Feature request title:
Staff hiring optimization
The game should make it possible to auto-hire staffers, this I would base on a process I dubbed “batch hiring”. Tell your HR manager to hire 80 ramp agents, with at least an index of 65% on logic, pleasantness and stress. Batch hiring could ask an extra fee from the CEO to start the task of batch hiring.
Why it should be implemented:
At the moment it is very difficult to form an efficient team. If you want to scale up you have to mass hire your employees on a scale that is not compatible with the renew tempo of the application folder. When you would just tell your HR director to hire 80 staffers, the posts will fill over time.
This option would it possible to request a batch of staff while building your airport extension. Also, atm, if you would hire any staffer that comes by, you get applicants that have an average index of below 50% on all 4 specialty trades listed in an application.
Images, references or additional content:
Staff numbers on a bigger airport;
Random hiring folder;
You could reject the 2 very low efficiency onces, hire 3; where the 4th and 5th would be fired be me when I find enough people to create a more optimized team.
Random hiring spree result;
Staff collection; it took me forever to create a team with an average of 65% efficiently over all 4 skill sets.
Hiring jenitors with decent skills is the most challenging of all staff trades;
Old post;
Smartness of staff;