Automated Staff Recruitment

Feature request title:

Automated Staff Recruitment


Recruitment process could be tedious at large terminal airports. This R&D proyect could release a system to hire a determined number of people with a determined skill range in few hours.

Why it should be implemented:

To easily hire few staff by parameters.

If you are in sandbox, you can use f10 to hire loads then simply train or fire the bad ones

But, if you are not playing sandbox mode, you need to hire one by one…

Well that is real life…

The game is not a simulator, so it doesn’t have to reflect real life. Even if it would be a simulator, I highly doubt an CEO would be in charge of hiring the janitors one by one. The CEO is more likely to want X janitors with at least Y skill for a maximum of Z budget and have staff member hire employees within these constraints.


Totally agree and a big fat +1 for me :heart_eyes_cat:, either based on the HR director or HR managers to be hired (i.e. per (group of) department(s)) that can take care of that. Hopefully something like that can be added in the beta phase.

By the way, this feature is similar to Staff hiring optimisation

Also commented on that thread with a similar solution:


@Puma, Software inc. is a really good example, that would be my first example too. I totally agree, that we should have a way to quickly hire staff. This has been expressed a lot as a larger airport requires more people. I take it that the CEO has to just accept the staff that fit into his criteria much like software inc.

Definitely +1

In a large airport (~20+ stands) I have 100+ passenger agents and 150+ ramp agents. Plus another 150+ janitors (hopefully fixed in A35 so I’ll need fewer).
That’s well over 300 staff I’ve got to grind through hiring. With the larger security desks I expect this to go up even further!
Having to hire them adds nothing to the game. Even using F10 is tedious.

Manual hiring is fine in games when there’s only a dozen or two staff, but for these sorts of numbers, it sucks the fun away. And I’m definitely NOT going to train them (300 staff * 3 training each? Hell no!)


+1 I agree with this at all.

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