List: All real airline mods for Airport CEO


We from the ACEO Modding Group providing you an OneDrive Excel sheet with all available real airlines from all sources. Sortable and searchable by Country, Modders, Continent, Standsizes and many more… Steamlinks are included on the mods from the ACEO Modding Group.

here a small preview of the File:

here you find all mods from the aceo modding group: Steam Workshop::ACEO Modding Group Collection (Real Airlines and Business)

and here you see what is in work: Trello


I’m pretty sure you forgot about SunExpress

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OK , thank you :slight_smile: You are right :slight_smile: i will add it

Has Sri Lankan Airlines been done?

No , i don’t think so, but it is on our list to do :slight_smile:

New updated ACEO Airline’s List you find now in that link:!AnJ6e9c-a76fqfR7Xq2tiXP7ihT4kw?e=PAgorL

Thank you to dawed , he made this list :slight_smile: and he also will update this


With time we will update it with steam links and information like if airline has small stand planes, historical airline… We are open for any idea…

Maybe i add countries soon

Big Update: All available Airlines can be sorted by Country, historic and/or small stand planes

Next big Update on the excel:
Added fictional airlines table from the ACEO Modding Group
And all the Steamlinks from the ACEO Modding Group

Edit: Update 10.09.2019, with a seperated table of all Business Mods from the ACEO Modding Group and it is now possible to search for a specific Modder of the ACEO Modding Group

Edit: Update 16.09.2019, new row with legend of livery type (Special, Old, New, Retro, Multilivery)

Edit: Update 31.10.2019, the list is now sortable by small planes, medium planes and big planes…
Also changed the PivotChart to this option

Edit: 14.11.2019 Just some Interesting facts for today

not many Countries are White

Edit: 26.01.2020 new Link to the Excelfile


The list seems to be gone, is it still available with a new URL?

Edit: Found the “ACEO Modding Group Collection” on Steam in the meantime, so I’m fine for now. Does it replace the Excel list?
For others to avoid long search: Steam Workshop::ACEO Modding Group Collection (Real Airlines and Business) - the URL from the first post doesn’t work anymore.

Oh something happen with the link, sorry! Will talk to @modair that he replace the initial one and also the collection link…
With the new one, it is the same file:

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Thanks, working perfectly now.

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Thanks to modair all links are up to date


The File is now sortable by Continent :slight_smile:

Can someone confirm if the Ghana international Airlines mod has been updated please?

@Kasee Spokkel is working on, but it is all a bit fictional because no real pictures yet

Oh ok. Cool. Yeah there are no real picture so he suggested a couple of designs an I made choice. Once again I appreciate you guys doing the fictional airline for me.

There a few Cargo Airlines and Government Plane Mods, but the Excelfile is now sortable by those…

Hi, how to install mod in ACEO?

Go to Steam Workshop or click directly on a link inside the Excelfile

then subscribe a mod you want (don’t subscribe too many, else they will not be loading)

after starting your game, you need to go to Modding Menu and activate the mods