Facing lots of pathfinding errors, now.
Employees can’t reach staff room or working site, even if there are definitely walkable paths.
Mostly when path leads over different floors, but sometimes even on one floor, too.
Facing lots of pathfinding errors, now.
Employees can’t reach staff room or working site, even if there are definitely walkable paths.
Mostly when path leads over different floors, but sometimes even on one floor, too.
Does your ingame Bug Report function work?
But sometimes, especially when pc is on heavy load, I need to try two or even three times…
Hmmm…I tried submitting the reports ingame about four times for each one.
I had this, too, but quite a long time ago…
I’m always pausing the game while writing and sending report…
And I’m always taking manual screenshots, to avoid workload of automatical screenshots…
If that doesn’t help, you know about the bug reporting via website…?
I pause as well. I’ve got the website; forgot about it. I’ll use that. Thanks
Is it possible to build a foundation on level 1 over a bus stop/road/etc.? So if I had the entrance one side of the road then allow passengers to move into the main terminal via escalators and the first floor?
It is.
Actually, I’ve just answered my own question and found a way to do it. It’s not very elegant though - if you build on the ground floor and then the first, then demolish everything on the ground floor, you can then install the roads and bus stops. It would be much easier to achieve this without the need to build a foundation on the ground floor though.
Look at the thread about skybridge.
You only need ground foundation at start and ending of your first floor foundation.
No need to build a complete ground foundation
I would like to place a foundation tile over this gap. Can’t seem to find a way.
I would like to place a foundation tile over this gap. Can’t seem to find a way.
You can’t because there is a part of subway entrance in the way
@EG0611 EXACTLY!! I want to cover that space regardless of what is beneath.
I have some elements of the Workshop some time ago, but in the Experimental they do not look at the game as assets. That is, they are not working properly.
I hope that with the stable version of the Alpha 32 they return to work normally. Recently I wanted to put the ACEOMM full, full of countries, companies, contractors, and much more to have more options to choose from.
I take this opportunity to ask if it is possible to create a contractor company in a manual way to have more people working in construction, because I have a contractor company by default and I was given a number of people not recommended from the beginning and that was why it took a long time to build the airport. (I needed more slaves for construction, really. )
I will appreciate if you tell me which instructions I should follow compatible with the current version to create companies for the game.
Ok, there is something wrong with pathfinding, I think.
I’ve seen some strange behaviours from all kind of agents:
-contractors: standing around at contractor site for several hours, ignoring, that I’ve just built some escalators, bathrooms, staff rooms. After about 1 hour, they suddenly start moving, altogether.
-pax are standing in front of boarding desk, not moving for several minutes
-lots of pax are stuck in bathroom for several hours
-pax exiting bathroom in masses, walking a few tiles, stopping. Dozens of pax on two or three tiles. Waiting. After some minutes, suddenly, altogether spreading up, walking to their target direction, each.
-airport staff and ramp agents: idling around in staff room right besides a stand with an active flight, waiting to be serviced
-pax entering airport, stopping. Waiting. Check-in opens, pax still standing around. After several hours, suddenly moving to check-in, way too late.
@sirhc80 I can confirm that behaviour as well. I also have problems with contractor pathfinding. Hundreds of pax stuck at bus stops, even though there is a subway next to them.
Looks like it’s clogged up real good
Yeah. Nobody in toilet stalls. They’re just …uh…doing it on the floor I guess.
So after some rt-hours of testing, it seems as if actual update isn’t working for me.
Operating more than 4-6 stands at once leads to game braking behaviours…
Filed about 10 bug reports, since last update, waiting for next update, now.
Airport closed, let the contractors go on, there’s still a lot of work for them…
Alpha 31.1-0 is broken. I used to have enough staff, now, I’m grossly under-staffed because staff are not working.
Please revert to previous version in Experimental until this mess is fixed.