As I know experimental and the devs for now, there will be another update very soon, so switching back makes no sense…
We just have to be patient…
Alpha 31.1-0 is broken. I used to have enough staff, now, I’m grossly under-staffed because staff are not working.
Please revert to previous version in Experimental until this mess is fixed.
@dallas bugs are expected on experimental branch and developers fix issues according to feedback from experimental users. If you see many bugs that make game unplayable please report them to developers and change game version to bug-free default branch instead of complaining.
Yeah I’ve been getting this as well.
I actually have very few bug reports about pathfinding errors in the last version, some I checked was due to missing sidewalk from bus stop or other user errors. We can’t really help you fix the issues if you don’t report them.
I tried to report it but it crashes my game
We’ll be exposing jira bug tool error messages in the next version to give better insight into what can fail with a bug report.
That’s why it is called “experimental”… personnaly i am waiting a more stable version before playing. If you cannot stand bugs you should probably do the same or revert back to the standard version of the game.
Sent some about pax behaviour at bathrooms and boarding desks and contractors.
Numbers not at hand, but must be between ACEO-13710-13720…
Is it just me or does the arrow for the tunnel entrance not rotate when the object is rotated.
I think you might be on the wrong layer. If you build down to -1 to get back to ground you build the up on -1 and not up from ground.
What rubble meant is, the arrow tells you wether it goes up or down. So it shouldn’t be rotating if you rotate the tunnel piece
There is a bug-report about bus-stops in already, it has to do with a stuck bus, delete the stop with the stuck bus, and then buses will start rolling again.
@jasperwillem, this was not a problem for me until Alpha 31.1-0
OK, I finally have a suspicion, why my airport staff is permanently late at boarding desks:
I’ve just found a check-in desk with four (!) employees assigned to!
Is the number of ramp agents at your baggage bay also off? When i assign 2 on each side there is 1, when i assign 3 there are 2 and you guessed it: 3 ramp agents show up on each side when i ask for 4.
Interesting thought. Too much staff at check-in, too few at baggage bay…
Seems as if I can confirm that, just counted 3 baggage bays, all set to 8:
one side with seven, all 5 other sides only with 6 ramp agents.
dozens (!) of ramp agents idling around in my airport
I’m not sure, if I counted them all, because sometimes they are standing on each others. so you can see here, that there are two agents, looking like that there are standing (at least) one more on same tile…
I really hope, that there will be any possibility, to check how many persons are standing on one tile, in the future…
Are you sure those airport staff are simply not waiting for their work to begin and that check-in is delayed? Seems likely to me, also in regards to the ramp agents below waiting for a shift change to take place.
That would be very performance intensive and not something we’re likely to look into, unfortunately.
Are you sure those airport staff are simply not waiting for their work to begin and that check-in is delayed? Seems likely to me, also in regards to the ramp agents below waiting for a shift change to take place.
I’m not sure if check-in started delayed, but it is likely on time, it just had begun.
It is the first flight after airport was closed (no flights scheduled for days), so it’s most likely their first job task for ages.
Two airport staff are sitting there and working, pax are checking-in.
The other two are assigned to same desk (as yellow marker shows), but standing behind desk. and, as observed, until check-in closed.
neighbour desk (second flight after airport was closed) looks similar.
That would be very performance intensive and not something weäre likely to look into, unfortunately.
I thought about something like “ctrl+click” on pax to see a list who’s standing there on each other…
But if that drops perfermonace, I can do without it…
I’ve made another strange observation:
after check-in (on ground floor) several pax are walking on ground floor in direction of their target stand.
when arriving at nearest point they are able to go (a wall/security exit, no entry) they turn round, walking to escalator and doing the same on first floor - which then is successful, as there is security checkpoint and boarding desk, afterwards…
So they are loosing a lot of time, by doing that, so it’s obvious that some of them arrive late at boarding, finally.
Is this bahviour intended?
Game crashed completely when I tried to demolish a 6-tiles-piece of wall…