Could someone tell me the context in which these strings appear (or possibly tell me how to display them)?
It’s hard to understand until you come across these terms in the game itself. I have not met.
Hi @Alexander
In the new translations that have been uploaded, there are double KEYS
Friends! Explain to me what “panning” is. Thank!
I would guess this is related to a camera position / way of viewing something from a certain position?
This is located in the General Settings menu.
I searched in localizor, but both the title and description of Auto Negotiation are missing, so they are always displayed in English.
I can not understand its function. If you have understood it, could you explain it to me?
When incidents happen, and you are playing on 3x speed, the engine will slow down to 1x speed.
When this is not active, your time will keep rolling on 3x speed.
I hope it is the right section to post…
For many languages the text does not fit the graphical interface of the Employee card:
And many other languages.
It is not essential, but very annoying when opening this panel
Description associated with the “SECURITY ENABLED” toggle (tab operation overview) is wrong
A bug report would be the best for that case.
Alexander has been aware of this moment for 3 weeks already.
I have reported the bug 3 times for over 2 months … the ticket has never been taken in charge
and another one of which I have not marked the ticket
A little question regarding the translations:
The English text for key “” was changed to
Auto-assign to terminal on arrival
This actually doesn’t make sense regarding the key name. Before it was used as the text for auto-assignment of boarding desks; the new text seems to be more related to incoming flights.
Did the change happen by accident, or do you actually use the text differently now?

For many languages the text does not fit the graphical interface of the Employee card:
Thanks for reporting. This issue is well known and will be handled during the beta period

Before it was used as the text for auto-assignment of boarding desks
Not sure that is the case actually since it was added during the terminal update (A35) and is used on the vehicle tab in management panel. It lets you automatically assign the purchased vehicle to the preferred terminal (the one with the lowest amount of vehicles).
If it was somehow connected to boarding desks, that was a mistake and if you find it’s still the case let me know!
Sorry, just found I mixed it up, the key for the boarding desk is “GamePlaySettingsPanel.key.boarding-desk-stand”. Everything alright!
I think it would be a good idea to rename “baggage drop” to “self baggage drop off”, for example. For me personally, it was not at all obvious that one corresponds to the other. And the question arose when I could not understand this formulation.
I played for 50 hours, corrected the entire translation, but this moment, due to the fuzzy wording, came to my head only now, as if to a “giraffe”.

Are we talking about flying weather or not flying?