We’ve teamed up together with Localizor, an online crowd translation tool built by the creator of Startup Company where you can help out in translating the text of games in exchange for coins that can be redeemed into Steam keys.
We’ve received loads of requests from various airport CEOs who want to participate in the translation of ACEO into their native language, but this has always been out of the question as we’ve not only lacked the tools to allow people to help out on a smaller scale but also because we haven’t had a reasonable way to compensate participants for their work. Localizor solves both those problems and we’re really excited to try it out together with you.
We’ve posted a short news post on how it works which you can read here and this topic’s main purpose is to serve as a space where we can discuss this crowd sourced translation project together.
Want to become a Localizor mod?
Localizor has a mod feature that enables certain rights within the platform that we’d be happy to appoint to someone of this community who’s been an active member and who also actively have contributed to the translation. Send a PM to @Alexander if you want to become a Localizor mod and write a short introduction of yourself, your contributions to the translation project and your Localizor handle and the e-mail you used to sign up with.
Nah, just joking, it is one of the least spoken languages in Europe. I would do it if the language is added, but maybe you could consider Czech language, it has way more speakers. That one I can also do.
Actually, I have a question about the translation (at to French). Is it possible to get some example for codes that look like the following :
Depending on the content it can be that “can’t” has more than one translation.
It is possible to use a simple translation, can’t → ne peut pas, due to → à cause de, but, depending on the content, it may not fit.