Yes I agree with airline contracts. I would love to see a “master” contract signed that states minimum services the airport will provide (e.g. jet bridge gates, business lounges, shops of a certain star rating, etc). The airlines would then compete for time slots and routes.
nice its good to see elevator so how its works? like place shaft in and configure which doors to open on sides
I think it works as escalator you just place it on lower floor level to get to higher one, and maybe have variations like : 2 floor elevator 3,4,5
I’d like if you just have to place it on every floor you need. As long as floors are next to each other, it will be an elevator connection (and of course the elements must be exactly above each other; could be indicated on other floors similar to how foundation is indicated on undergrund floors.
So for example, if I place it on floor 0 and 3, nothing will happen. If additionally placed on floor 1, people can go from floor 0 to 1 and vice versa, but floor 3 is still not connected.
That way you could also turn the elevator on each floor to have doors open on different sides.
nice so maybe different sizes and skip shafts - a shaft with no doors to bypass levels
I think that in the future, specially if flight connections are a thing, it would be necessary to have the possibility to make both elevators and stair/scalators bypass a floor, in other words, going from floor 0 directly to floor 3. Exactly the opposite of what you wrote, I know, but I think that this future possibility should be consider.
Thanks for creating a proof of concept! Something like that, though I could see the boarding side flush with the other half, the arriving PAX exit towards the side as you indicate (maybe one square closer to the wall) and then the boarding PAX go straight into the jet bridge as your green arrow indicates.
But overall, yes, something like that was what I was thinking as it might help cut down on the amount of space needed and be a relatively simple solution. Plus, it could be an optional add-on to any jet bridge if a player so desires.
This is one of the reasons the elevator is still on hold.
We don’t know how we’ll handle the passenger flow yet.
Making a “real” elevator will probably not work ingame, so we’ll have to think about this and see what will work best.
Sure… pax need to wait. Then there is a maximum and who will come first.
May elevators would make sense if we get disabled pax with broken legs, older generations, strollers, wheelchairs and may some terminal golf carts for assistance services.
@Olof Lets hope the devs can work on your idea for passenger segregation (I’d like to have jetbridges the same width as now):
My attempt at a rough concept of that suggestion:
Maybe it would be an option to make a (glass) divider that fits in between two tiles? I mean that both tiles on left and right side are still free to walk on but actually divided by something in the middle. Should be freely placeable cause that would be a great thing for other stuff too. Also doesn’t cause any (visible) irritations with symmetry. Or does every object need to be at least one tile wide or long?
I’m not getting why people are still asking for something the developers have said is impossible? From my understanding the game works on 1 m squares. If the squares touch (e.g. zoned area), then path finding will allow pax to cross. This is why there needs to be a 1 square separation to block path-finding. This is done in game by walls, one square wide staff zone to block passengers. It can be done by creating a one zone wide strip of unsecured to separate two secured areas, or one strip of secured to separate two unsecured areas. Windows are also one block wide, and you’ll notice pax do not walk on the window tiles at all - they are essentially walls, but look different to us. So the idea of two abutting tiles with a “window” on the edge, to separate them is just going to work with the game engine. That’s my understanding anyway.
About the jetways there are corridors in WAW which stand out of the terminal, basically a building with somethimes one jetway or two. Inside they have stairs or ranks which can head to the upper or lower floor.
They did in the past, and windows could be zoned. Not anymore.
I liked how PAX were going to the windows to look at the planes in the past…
There are ramps, that’s why these parts of the building are quite long (in ACEO wheelchair accessibility isn’t required yet, so these can be simulated with stairs). Arrivals there go to to the upper floor. The ways for PAX not going incorrectly are blocked by the staff during deplaning and boarding both with retractable barriers and locked one-way doors (they are one way as after you pass them you’ll see “No Entry” sign on the other side of the glass, but they are usually locked closed or locked open appropriately during deplaning and boarding operations anyway).
On a related note, in WAW/EPWA the passport check / border control is after the security, and not before it, because the security is shared between domestic/Schengen and non-Schengen areas.
I know, I’ve been there a lot l
>:0 where is the studio tour?!?!
I am against the Dev Blogs now.
Because of all those cool announcements I don’t play ACEO because I don’t want to start a new map which might be not fit correct for all the new stuff.
In my current airport I already leave space for wider jetbridges and also have a plan in mind for immigration. Same for self check in, space is kept available.
I haven’t played since july waiting for this update to come, so I know the feeling.