Dev Blog 145: Passport checkpoints and immigration, self check-in, segregating departure and arrival and more!

Exactly! The change were making for jetways to support segregation is considered a pretty large one since we’ll, upon the user loading Alpha 35 for the first time, destroy small parts of everyone’s walls surrounding the jetway etrance. Since the current opening is even (2x1) it’s most reasonable to assume that people have constructed their gates in accordance with an evenly spread layout and so the smallest possible change we can do at this point, to avoid disrupting too many design, is to simply take a piece of wall more on each side making it 4x1. An odd configuration or off center, or an even more elaborate design option would thus be a lot more intrusive to existing designs.

It’s better to try a very small change out at first, iterate and then potentially do adjustments based on feedback and real world data as a result of practical examples and testing done by the community, rather than us sitting in our office and spending time on what we think is the most thought through solution only to discover that for reasons X, Y and Z option B is a better alternative and then have to cope with a much large change than if we would have done it iteratively.

Of course, and constructive criticism is the only way we got to where we are today so it’s always something we’ll want. But since this is an early access game with an extensive bug fixing and balancing beta coming up we do not do polished solutions on its first iteration. As I wrote above, we do small changes and iterate on feedback multiple times, gathered not only from this community but from all various ACEO inlets, which eventually leads us to a polished solution.

I’m not saying that we’re done and finished with the jetways 4x1 entrance but I’m also not saying that it will definitely change. I’m saying that this is the first iteration of it and based on the feedback we get from Apha 35 in both specific detail and in full, we may or may not change it - it simply depends! :slight_smile:

Correct, for Alpha 35. We hope to change this in Alpha 36.


We hope to change this in Alpha 36.

:drooling_face: :drooling_face: :drooling_face:


I am so excited for this and the multi-terminal updates. I have built 3 airports so far, and they all reflect the US Style of airport design (FAA: which I recognize is total overkill for a game, but hey… Since most US airports do not have remote stands (LAX is a notable exception) and there are a few airlines that use boarding trucks/stairs for anything bigger than a CRJ (Allegiant, for one as a cost saving measure since Jetways are about $1Mil US). I look forward to Alpha 35 and beyond…


Why not make 4x2 or 2x2? At many airports where there are two jetway there are double corridors like in the pictures

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Will the coffee and beer taps and snack and sandwich bars gain function and purpose.


About that 3 or 4 tiles jetway exit:
No matter what the solution is, I always would’ve been annoyed when playing the game as why this solution was chosen… the discussion here helps me to be indifferent. :slight_smile:

How about having it both ways as object variations?

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I’d want to see (just an idea) upgrade with double floor entrance exit jetway example : image

Around 70,000 to construct,

And other variation as mentioned in devblog exit on same level

EDIT : Just thought about that now we can already build that ourselves anyways, thank you for improving this game and making it even more interesting to play :wink:


To second that, can we get Jetbridges that can function with the actual jetbridge as well as a walkout stand?


Perhaps a more refined design to the jet bridge door can be considered at a later time? Maybe something that is the same width as the current jet bridge but has a small piece that extends into the terminal, say 2 tiles and this is where the split occurs? Have a door on the side that PAX exit from and a door straight on as there is now for boarding.

Probably a bit hard to visualize from just reading the written word.


On top of that maybe make it so that pax spawn in the offshoot so that when they spawn they stand there for a sec in the enclosed space and then walk out

Do you mean something like this:

(Assume the blue X’s are wallpieces)

By using zoning to partition departing and arriving passengers, you can (with a little imagination) create locking ‘boarding doors’ as suggested in previous posts. Whilst the doors can’t lock and aren’t one-way, by placing them straight after the boarding desks like in the picture, you can improvise a little.

Of course you’ll want to imagine the jetway 4x length across for Alpha 35.


Is there any news on elevators? Hoping they’re awaiting development :crossed_fingers:


I believe they have been ‘postponed’ to the beta phase, so not for any upcoming Alpha build.

Ah shame, was looking forward to them.

Yes, that will work and allow to to split them correctly (without other passengers that aren’t from that flight use that escalator too)


And yes, Elevator is currently on hold, but I’m sure it will make it into the game eventually :slight_smile:


Make sure to thank me later :stuck_out_tongue: So what we have is 4x4 elevator :open_mouth:


Are there any plans to add more content to the airline contract system? Right now it is a little bit of a set and forget. Considering the game is called Airport CEO I would imagine there should be more wheeling and dealing in the contract negotiations which could lead to some interesting decision making with regards to resources like check in desks , stands and runways. Having the ability to assign these to specific airlines as part of getting an improved contract will make it interesting.
Also the contracts could be made more stringent with penalties. Right now there is no penalty on signing a contract and never assigning a flight from that airline to your airport ever again.

un-hold that! Looks great!