I’m sure the devs know their code better than we do, and if they say it can’t be done or will cause too many issues then I don’t see why everyone is picking holes. The games are completely different and both doing their own thing.
They didn’t say it can’t be done they just said this will cause other issues. It is a pandora box they don’t want to open. They are the devs and they decide eventually regardles of what we want and thats ok, But i think that at least they could check their competitors game SimAirport play it a little bit and see that if you want everything is possible!
Watch simairport and you’ll see that all arriving passenger follow exact same path. So one path calculation. Aceo each arriving pax moves based on needs. Also simairport does not simulate baggage. It’s. A pipe system so bag disappears or spawns. It’s not linked to passengers.
SimAirport do the same, they have needs and if they need to go to the toilet before taking their baggage they will do so.
People, please keep Simairport out of this topic and this forum please Simairport and AirportCEO are good games and they have different target audience so they both have nice future ahead.
yes i agree this is the AIRPORT CEO FORUM not SIM AIRPORT FORUM
The PAX on the screen for immigration was gong through a few iterations. It was at on point the BSOD.
any hits or anything on new aircraft in A35?
@ Titule
The scanners are under the desk.
also anything on inter airport transport in A35? connecting bus stops or even trams…
EDIT: also not seeing on trello anything with one way doors
One way doors won’t come.
Oh ok
Perhaps similar to LHR’s Pod system?
did NOT see that
alert; hipe levels exceeding safe boundaries
omm nomm nomm
It’s early access so I think we should expect things to change. We can’t expect to build a huge airport and keep everything the same so it doesn’t break. If we did that we’d never have multiple floors or other added features. It’s unfair to say they should have thought it all through from the start when they’re responding to player requests for features.
I assume for simplicity everybody is going to be accepted from immigration and allowed to enter the country.
I would assume so, in the same way that nobody is currently arrested at security for trying to take weapons onto a flight
I’m not sure what you mean with “this small change to break their work”. If you’re referring to the jetway entrance going from 2 to 4 tiles, I think that this is the solution that “break the less”, given that, as somebody else said before, this is a game were most of the things are designed in 4 tiles. Besides, when implementing a new feature there is always the risk to screw some players designs. I’m pretty sure that big planes stands, for example, “destroyed” a lot of designs.
And I think it’s extremely unfair to the devs to say that they didn’t think things though. Really? This devs?