@Jettuh - Is it part of the passport control booth design that the keyboard has bites taken out of it, or is it an overlay of the spites for the security guard’s hands?
It is probably spites for security guard’s hands. OR developers developed “hunger” and overworking security officer starts to eat its keyboard
I am trying to understand how SimAirport with all the passengers and options and everything did create one way markers with no problem at all, That game support a lot of “agents” and still could achieve the one way path results. With this comprmise I can’t create real aiport designs and it is very annoying.
Aceo was started just as a free time project by olof and fredrik. They learned much but the main code is quite old, so some features are hard to implement now.
Don’t forget that game engines of both games are not same as well. Both engines have pros and cons by themselves but for AirportCEO, Unity game engine chokes on path finding algorithm.
Actually I first want to wait how they perform… currently I only use small security checkpoints because throughput of the medium ones is too low for their size, the small ones are more effective in relation to required space.
The large ones seem to be too space consuming with the two parallel scanners.
@Olof fix the keyboard hahahahaha
Also, Scanner has been implemented
fingerprint scanner and camera, too… ?
No the security guard uses his eyes, no need for a camera
the automated passport control does have a camera tho
In my experience, at least in many asian countries, VISA aplliance is often done at immigration, too (Japan, India, a.m.m.). And they mostly take your fingerprint and take an actual picture, while processing, additionally to your passport pic. Even if sometimes your passport pic is taken, too…
You’re not wrong there! It’s just that I haven’t created such asset.
Maybe in the near future I’ll create a fingerprint scanner and camera.
For now you’ll have to believe that the security guard does all the checks needed
As easteregg may some of the screens should run Pacman or so.
Indeed you should trust people you hire. Is that job performed by someone we hire or is it an official officer?
Just curious because of the payroll…
Is that a bluescreen!? How realistic!!! This also explains the delays… I always knew that they had nothing to do with the airport layout.
“Papers, please.”
“Cause no trouble.”
“Glory to Arstotzka.”
Just great
SimAiport also uses C# and Unity and they solvd the pathfinding issue ven with oneway arrows.
They always calculate sector access and shows an error (thats why you don’t need to draw security zones there). But sometimes that has impact on performance. But as long as there is an error, chaos is possible.
Just looked at trelo and spotted self driving cars?