Hello! Here’s this past two week’s dev blog, a bit shorter than usual, but we have a loooot of work to do!
Hello! Here’s this past two week’s dev blog, a bit shorter than usual, but we have a loooot of work to do!
YES! Omg YES!!
The parking system is much needed
Will we be able to build parking lots on other floors? Could probably have short term parking in the terminal basement, and long term parking as a multi story structure somewhere further out…
woo hoo, can’t wait to see it downloading on my computer. Keep up the hard work guys! Im excited!
Thanks for the short but very informative devblog! Maybe for the future to also have a shuttle bus service between long stay parking and the terminal? Functionality is ‘almost’ there already with the remote stands.
Looks amazing, cant wait to get my hands on new update! But also will you add like entrance to parking lots like building with barrier and advanced one with automated example :
Lol I like the idea and the picture too because of the 747 In the background
Also I assume that it can get broken and can be repared?
Will be be seeing more purchasable land available in alpha 33 or shortly after? You guys are adding some amazing stuff that is larger and will need more space on the map, so will you be increasing the amount of land we can get or are we going to be confined to more space due to the larger stands, runways, taxiways and parking lots? Thanks.
They discussed the recently in the last dev blog post here on the forum I think. They are going to wait on land increase until a later date. check out the 137 dev blog topic, I think its there
it was something about the biger it gets the lagier
SUPER PUMPED! the parking was teased earlier but now we see it in all it’s glory. keep up the good work!
here is what they said about larger boundaries
That makes a lot of sense, thank you for pointing it out
This is why I’m not playing available versions and waiting for Alpha 33
Since service vehicle parking lots can be placed underground… maybe?
Hey, That’s Cardiff Wales - CWL - My local airport! The Big BAMC hanger is a give-away.
Something I noticed from the blog:
Blockquote Fixed an issue where BAe 146 jetway goes to the incorrect door on large stand
BAe 146s are already in the game and use medium stands. Does that mean that medium aircraft can use large stands?