Airport CEO Beta 8 released

Yeah, I think that needs to happen!


[ACEO-41775 1] - Approaching aircraft do not always distribute evenly across available runways
[ACEO-41747] - Baggage bay now verifies that vehicle path to and from aircraft stand is executable

:grinning: :grinning: :heart_eyes:

So there won’t be irregular shaped rooms in 1.0?

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We do not have any significant changes planned before the 1.0 release next Thursday. However, that said we do not have any changes planned for either irregular shaped rooms or improvements to system X or Y and so forth, it all depends on what the development would look like going forward after the 1.0 release, i.e. if there’s still interest in the game and if there’s any interest within the dev team to keep improving on the title.


Seems like you can’t wait to put this game finally behind you

Well, in some ways it’ll be nice to do other stuff as well but what I think we primarily need is some perspective, and a little less hours per week of working in the ACEO code base. It is extremely fun to develop for this community and work with the subject matter of ACEO but the main issue is that the tech stack requires a lot of work for seemingly basic things. We would love to continue working with the game, for example implementing irregular shaped rooms and expanding other features, but due to the way the stack is originally architectured it is a very slow process that take takes out much of the fun in it. If we in fact become a sustainable studio with a future ahead of us I could definitely see us, unless that space is filled by someone else, perfecting ACEO with a sequel - including irregular shaped rooms.


As someone who remembers the price range discussion on forums around public launch, this game has made huge moves forward. Several engine upgrades. Several remasters of core code structures and huge upscaling. The project cant move forward forever.

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Yeah, absolutely understandable


I still have the issue tho that my employee car parks fill up with empty cars. Is that something you are looking at before the 1.0 release?

Bug report it and I’ll have a look! :slight_smile:

I already did 2 times, but sure, I’ll do it again

On the latest beta 8? Since we’ve been rebalancing those calculations on more or less every major beta versions previous bug reports on the same topic can easily become invalidated, we thus instead ask that you send in a new report on the latest version if the issues still persist. Just let me know the number here and I’ll have a look!

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Yeah, first time was a while ago, then I remember there was a version saying this issue was improved but nothing changed at my airports noticeably so I reported it again a few weeks ago


[ACEO-41708 3] - Roads can now restrict allowed vehicle type via right click panel (similar to taxiway node setting)

What is the difference between “service cars” and “service trucks”?

Service trucks are the ones that tow baggage trailers, the service cars are the one that give ramp agents a lift to remote stands! :slight_smile:

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oh thanks! :grinning:

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Another question:

What about baggage bay distribution, when having multiple claim areas assigned to one bay?

Seems like only one is in use

New feature

[ACEO-41708] - Roads can now restrict allowed vehicle type via right click panel (similar to taxiway node setting)

It’ll be interesting to see if this can be used to force vehicles to turn at the appropriate point rather than go up the road and back again before making the turn…

I just filed another bug report as ACEO-41885 on this issue

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When several baggage claim areas are assigned to the same baggage bay, it choses the belt very very random.
There could be a nice split but there could also be the chance that the same belt is used for 10 incoming flights in a row.

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