Airport CEO Beta 8 released

ACEO-41887 - Experimental 8.0-6 Underground roads have X symbol on them

Further to this bug report, I hadn’t seen the Level 0 roads which weren’t stand attached…

The X symbol on the roads now is very distracting…

I think this is something to do with the restricted types vehicles on roads

Maybe just need them on one tile entering or leaving a restricted route? I agree though, it maybe needs refining a little with the icon.

Rolling out beta 8.0-7 now, with the following fixes:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Beta 8.0-7


  • [ACEO-39323] - UI text not rendering for MacBooks running the Apple M1 chip
  • [ACEO-41820] - Elevators can be extended to planned floors
  • [ACEO-41860] - Aircraft can in rare instances get stuck or override each-other as a result of a faulty double pathfinding request
  • [ACEO-41867] - Fixed large pushback truck parking is partly located on the road

New feature

  • [ACEO-41878] - Currently loaded save name and airport overview now visible in save and load panels


We are intending a default release for beta 8 soon, however this update contains a lot of changes for the aircraft pathfinding system so we’ll need at least 24 to 48 hours of soak before we can move ahead.


You guys sure have an interesting sleep schedule


will you guys include aircraft separation when they are pushing back from the stands? cuz when an aircraft is pushing back other aircraft taxing along the perpendicular taxiway to the stand will get too close to them un like at intersections.

Also. Here is a TEASER for a multi-livery mod project I’m working on :slight_smile:



Ah… the various SWA State Liveries… very cool!

Good evening! Rolling out beta 8.1-0 with the following diffs:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Beta 8.1-0


  • [ACEO-41565] - Free pavement exploit when upgrading roads in planning mode
  • [ACEO-41790] - Buses are not guaranteed to visit certain bus stops
  • [ACEO-41799] - Despawned emergency flights can in rare instances not correctly clear
  • [ACEO-41844] - If game is not paused, runway ramp upgrades in upgrade panel disappears after a short while
  • [ACEO-41857] - Lack of check-in desks flight warning notification does not always clear after check-in completion
  • [ACEO-41885] - Person cars can permanently park and remain at staff parking lots without deboarding employees
  • [ACEO-41887] - Underground roads can be populated with road node restriction X symbol
  • [ACEO-41897] - Vehicles can in extremely rare instances target zero vector when deserializing into performing job tasks
  • [ACEO-41898] - Flights with ongoing catering deliverance can in rare instances when boarding is completed deadlock
  • [ACEO-41907] - Persons can clip through floors when passing passport checkpoints

New feature

  • [ACEO-41902] - Load and save panels now show a thumbnail of the selected airport to be loaded or overwritten


  • [ACEO-41866] - Slightly increased passenger vending machine snack desire
  • [ACEO-41899] - Added gameplay toggle setting to override max transition items per area

This version is intended for the default branch and if everything continues to look good tomorrow we’ll release it at that point! :slight_smile:

Edit: I broke a thing. Deploy hotfix now.


ok… lol :rofl:

Wonderful! That will be soo helpful

Also helpful!


Ah okay, thank you! I noticed it is spreaded by “coincidence” (As far as PCs allow this :joy:)

I have got a Heat Map issue:

I know my PC is not the best, but normally I can play ACEO with pretty good FPS, and without any lags. But as soon as I open up the heatmap for “Display Taxiway Congestions”, I have nearly a frozen screen (FPS drop from 38 to 3). When I close it again, everything works fine again. No idea what´s going wrong :sweat_smile:


EDIT: Passenger´s Heat Map decreases FPS as well, but nowhere near the Taxiway Heat Map

woohoo, save Thumbnail! Thanks Devs!

Also when Typing an Airline to Spawn with F10, could you make it so that when you type it doesn’t activate the shortcut keys like rotate, demolish etc… :pray:


Hmm okay. Will take look.


there was issue with auto assigment for termials - I had setup two termials -
Temieral 1 and Temiral 2 - the Temieral 1 is not finished somehow they keep autoassigned even I tried to temporary reduce the workers in other one because its not finished - however workers that supposed be at temerial 2 kept going to Temerial 1 but there wasn’t way to disable assignment for that even I clicked all to 0 but the bug is panel bounces back to 2 or 3 workers rather staying 0
i have bug reported it

Beta 8.1-0 looks good but rolling out now 8.1-1 with some minor fixes, if it still looks good tomorrow we’ll put it on the default branch! :slight_smile:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Beta 8.1-1


  • [ACEO-41911] - Significant performance degradation when using heatmaps
  • [ACEO-41919] - Fire trucks extinguishing GA emergency flights wait at stand for inspection while flight continues immediately to hangar


  • [ACEO-41922] - Enabled threaded pathfinding for aircraft to reduce performance load on very large airports

Hey Olof,
I tested the heatmap again and it works out a lot more performant :grinning:
It still causes a frame drop, especially when 4 or 5 or even more plane movements are at the same time, but I can understand that you can´t perform magic on my PC (on the other hand I am surprised how nice you guys improved performance :no_mouth: probably you performed at least a bit of magic :face_with_monocle: :joy:)

Anyway, thanks for your effort! It did help indeed :top:


@Fredrik is a wizard! :wink:


We found a minor critical issue with an aircraft model spawn blocking other flights, rolling out beta 8.1-2 thus. We’ll put this on the default branch in a few hours.

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Beta 8.1-2


  • [ACEO-38756] - Q300 and Q400 aircraft belt loader position incorrect
  • [ACEO-41940] - Deactivated light on specific aircraft can cause flight spawning to break


  • [ACEO-41927] - Fences now automatically removed when placing structures on top

We’ve also added a basic EULA which will pop up before launching the game, it can be read in its entirety here.


Might we be to set up/down road tunnels to one way at some stage? (Both lanes in same direction) :slight_smile: would nicely compliment the great improvements to roads already made

All of you are wizards!!! :slight_smile: