Airport CEO Beta 8 released

Now we need the use of the country tag in the mods so that only Shengen based airlines offer flights for this zone. =)


in my case it is a B777-200

Why just country tags? Airport tags, airline tags and even airline fleet info would be useful :wink:

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I like simple solutions. :wink:

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It doesn’t happen here. Are you using any mods, which ones?

Here is the promised video:

Are any of those aircraft modded?


No mods at all, or at least none are enabled

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Can you bug report that save before the lights switch?


Can I use f9 to skip there, or should I wait?

If it happens every time those lights turn on you can wait, if not I’d like the instance you just recorded.


Bug report 41658

And yes, lagg happens every day, every save

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I cannot reproduce this, but I recognize that it occurs on your end as per the video. Does a reinstall impact this in any way? Same would go for @parillos issue, does a reinstall solve the fuselage rendering issue? We did upgrade the LTS Unity version between beta 7 and beta 8 which included a few GPU related fixes, perhaps not reset correctly or something.

This has been a long standing issue for my system too.

Reinstall after the latest patch did fix the invisible fuselage issue for me.
I notice there’s some airlines that render with incorrect livery though.
Info sheet says Aeroflot but livery on plane is Qatar. Wasn’t sure if I should bug this since it’s modded…

That could be when the mod is not active in the main menu or due to a fleet change within the mod.

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Okay that’s great, would be interesting to see what a reinstall would do for both @humoresque and @parillos then.

As @andyc said! Cancelling and re-accepting the contract will refresh the fleet and make sure it spawns correctly.

I’ll give the cancel and reaccept a try when I start the game up later.
I’ve always found it hassle to do that though because I’d have to hunt through my flight schedule and cancel all of the upcoming flights for that contract before it would actually let me cancel the master contract. Is there a reason why cancelling a contract can’t remove all flights from the board? I’m assuming it’s because of the ‘inbound/landed flights can’t be cancelled’ function.

First is to check in the main menu if the mod is activated. If it’s just that, you can save the time of cancelling the flights.

Not sure if this is a bug or not - I seem to be getting small commercial aircraft with International destinations.

I’m trying ‘Realistic International stands’ for the first time and I thought that this only applied to medium stands. I didn’t get any while under B8.0-0, but today under B8.0-2 these small flights appeared in the scheduler

Also, it appears F12 for screenshotting is not working - I had to Alt-PrtSc and load it into Paint to get something I can add to a post here…