Good evening, airport CEO!
It’s time for another beta version to hit the default branch, this time it’s beta 7 and it’s jam-packed with bug fixes, balancing and improvements. The beta train is steaming on and this is just like the previous versions another update that simply seeks to expand on the increasing stability of the game. However, there are two small new features that we’ll as per usual go through after this change log.
Release notes - Beta 7.1-0
New feature
- [ACEO-32254] - Multiple aircraft livery support
- [ACEO-41264] - Support for fully custom placeable logos implemented
- [ACEO-32260] - Balanced R&D research times and admin count distribution
- [ACEO-32262] - Improved and finalized tutorial
- [ACEO-40847] - Blocked certain status updating systems reliant on construction changes from updating when no construction has happened to improve performance
- [ACEO-40971] - Baggage handling set to not a requirement on small stands even if globally enabled
- [ACEO-41071] - Optimized pathfinding to reduce CPU load on some significantly complex airport layouts
- [ACEO-41074] - Slightly improved passenger leisure (eating, shopping) activity selection
- [ACEO-41125] - Changed investigation panel text to black to improve readability
- [ACEO-41290] - Signed shop and restaurant logotypes can now be placed just like airline logotypes
- [ACEO-32343] - Severe weather incidents can in rare occasions persist even after the severe weather is cleared
- [ACEO-40368] - Automated delay flight prompt response can cause delayed aircraft to cancel turnaround
- [ACEO-40395] - Catering depot selection not balanced for distance and actual level of stored meals
- [ACEO-40442] - Boarding procedures for remote stands can in very rare instances not start despite all boarding conditions being met
- [ACEO-40724] - Passenger satisfaction program boost not applied correctly
- [ACEO-40725] - Passenger interest in vending machines too low
- [ACEO-40730] - Bathrooms in airline lounges can in rare instances be used by passengers travelling with a different airline
- [ACEO-40742] - Roads of different foundation type can in rare instances be layered on top of eachother
- [ACEO-40752] - Stand upgrades cannot be invoked despite sufficient funds if menu is opened before funds are sufficient
- [ACEO-40753] - Some draggable items can spawn funds texts at incorrect positions when placed
- [ACEO-40755] - Delivery site sidewalk area not walkable
- [ACEO-40756] - Executives slider on bathroom display has incorrect description
- [ACEO-40758] - Notification for terminal connection issue remains even after terminal removal
- [ACEO-40764] - Jetway construction can in certain instances remove wall tiles on the floor beneath
- [ACEO-40766] - Passengers can in certain instances disembark on floor underneath jetway and get stuck
- [ACEO-40769] - Terminal connectivity check sometimes gives failed path error
- [ACEO-40770] - Walkalator entries placed in near proximity causes pathfinding to fail
- [ACEO-40771] - Security checkpoints not affected by contents of scanned bag
- [ACEO-40773] - Departure and arrival markers on stand immediately spawned when stand is built
- [ACEO-40774] - Airside shuttle buses and service cars now prefer time since job task was created rather than proximity
- [ACEO-40775] - Copied queue points are immediately removed after desk placement
- [ACEO-40778] - Airside shuttle buses boarding passengers at transit structures can in rare instances wait excessively after boarding is completed and then fail the job task
- [ACEO-40780] - Removing desks with terminal foundation tool can cause objects to render across floors
- [ACEO-40784] - Objects placed underground enable lights if lights are triggered when viewing ground floor
- [ACEO-40832] - Transportation vehicles uses incorrect position for fetching node to occupy when waiting for transit structure entry potentially causing deadlocks
- [ACEO-40833] - Aircraft pahtfinding analysis tool does not work in all directions
- [ACEO-40835] - Tree color overlay does not match ground foundation when snowing
- [ACEO-40840] - Missing parenthesis clamp on logging statement can cause airside shuttle buses to get stuck if flight is cancelled
- [ACEO-40851] - Spawned ramp agent dummies can appear in the hire employee panel causing system confusion and hired ramp agents not to appear
- [ACEO-40858] - Service truck job task positions are considered outside of baggage bay area which if not covered by terminal can cause simulation stall
- [ACEO-40866] - Previous snack desire adjustment for passenger a bit too much
- [ACEO-40868] - Baggage claim room reachability check not covered by interface system
- [ACEO-40869] - Departing passengers can in certain instances have a very high interest in eating and shopping immediately when arriving to the airport
- [ACEO-40894] - Environment ground texture does not cover entire world on large maps
- [ACEO-40895] - Water can be frozen despite of warm weather
- [ACEO-40938] - Persons will not use escalators if built in sandbox construction mode
- [ACEO-40940] - Bombardier CRJ200 aircraft always spawn with same livery
- [ACEO-40941] - Poorly balanced room fetch distance check can cause some rooms to not be utilized
- [ACEO-40949] - All aircraft in fleet not properly displayed on certain airline contracts
- [ACEO-40963] - Missing null reference check in catering truck load quantity check can cause catering truck to stall
- [ACEO-40985] - Persons sometimes use walkalators in wrong direction
- [ACEO-41004] - Runway ramps upgrade operation isn't always functioning correctly
- [ACEO-41009] - New connection system update block can cause automated desk procedures to not be invoked
- [ACEO-41011] - Road tiles placed on lower floors can randomly dissappear on load
- [ACEO-41015] - Deicing pad not always set as one-way enabling aircraft to turn around
- [ACEO-41030] - Passengers gets teleported from transit items on load causing them to sometimes end up in blocked off segments
- [ACEO-41031] - Passengers spawning at jetways are visible on above floors for a brief period
- [ACEO-41032] - Staff can on very rare cases get incorrect permissions causing pathfinding to fail
- [ACEO-41051] - Incorrect road node fetching can cause vehicles to get stuck or roam
- [ACEO-41062] - Placeable airline logos placed via copy-paste tool does not snap correctly
- [ACEO-41067] - Placeable logos can be placed on any surface
- [ACEO-41073] - Passengers getting information at information desks can enter airline lounges they do not have access to to do so
- [ACEO-41075] - E-mail return button does not remember its original position in e-mail list
- [ACEO-41080] - Catering depot selection does not take expected vehicle occupancy into account
- [ACEO-41081] - New connection update system does not trigger correctly when altering certain ATC related settings on objects
- [ACEO-41083] - New connection update system does not trigger correctly when object construction is completed
- [ACEO-41086] - Missing null reference check in validator for road type can cause contractor shuttles in extremely rare instances to deadlock
- [ACEO-41093] - Vehicles do not align their trailer when parking in a stand waiting position
- [ACEO-41098] - Parking lots do in rare instance not update their walkable area causing passengers to not find paths
- [ACEO-41113] - Changing directions on transit structures and world entrance tunnels do not invoke new connection system update
- [ACEO-41116] - Uncaught out of bounds exception in catering depot fetching can cause catering trucks to stall
- [ACEO-41128] - Persons can in extremely rare instances disregard paths and walk across terminals in straight directions
- [ACEO-41135] - Missing clearance of world entrance tunnel can cause ambulances to deadlock when attempting to leave the airport as part of a job task
- [ACEO-41137] - Employees can in certain airport layout configurations excessively select certain staff rooms
- [ACEO-41151] - Parking lots do not update walkable areas when built via construction causing passengers to not find their way out until after reload
- [ACEO-41159] - Demolishing taxiway nodes does not always invoke new connection system update
- [ACEO-41163] - Delivery sites can incorrectly be set as planned causing them not to be correctly deletable
- [ACEO-41171] - New connection system can in extremely rare instances not be invoked in certain specific build scenarios
- [ACEO-41183] - Flight emergencies not correctly simulated for GA aircraft
- [ACEO-41184] - When world entrance tunnels are placed very close to each other vehicles only use one of them
- [ACEO-41188] - Left centered tile row says not unlocked while part of center tile
- [ACEO-41194] - Missing if statement in catering depot selection causes catering services to not be invoked if only one catering depot in world exists
- [ACEO-41211] - Placeable logos are not correctly serialized when placed with the copy paste tool
- [ACEO-41214] - Vehicles can invoke duplicate self removes causing various objects across the system to render on multiple floors
- [ACEO-41226] - Persons cannot execute short distances when not walking with path
Update notes
Multiple livery support
With beta 7 we are once again re-enabling support for multiple liveries! This means that modded aircraft, for example, are no longer bound to a single livery style but can in fact have multiple appearances. If you want to try it out in action, you can ceck out Steam user and ACEO forum community leader andycishere’s SAS mod which now has support for multiple liveries!
Non-business placeable logotypes
The Apoapsis Studios development team’s shining star Alexander has as per a request from the community in beta 7 implemented support for custom, non-business related placeable logotypes. What does that mean, you ask? Well, it means that Airport CEO will now support placement of any time of image into the foundation objects of the game - including for example tarmac signs.
We currently do not have any plans on supporting this on Steam Workshop, however CEOs can themselves experiment with this features as per the instructions in Alexander’s forum post.
And yes… loads of bug fixes and balancing!
New performance improvements, the elimination of a nasty 100% CPU utilization bug on very large airports, objects rendering through floors after extended gameplay, an improved and updated tutorial, catering balancing and much, much more are just a few of the things we’ve fixed in this update.
And more is to come, work on beta 8 begins next week as the beta train continues toward the 1.0 release. Also, stay tuned for tonight’s dev blog containing an update on the development progress as well as a major announcement.
Have a great weekend!
// Alexander, Fredrik & Olof - Apoapsis Studios