Airport CEO Beta 6 released

Will do it in a few days :+1:


great job!


Sorry if this has been asked, but does the game now slightly dim the world lighting for inclement weather? If so, I find that pretty cool! If not, I guess it’s time for a new laptop! :rofl:

Also, is there a an imbalance of aircraft size offerings now? I have an airlines with small and medium aircraft, but I never get an small aircraft flight offerings. I am pretty sure there are adequate local airports within distance to meet the criteria for this.

And Bug 40616 - have a dual parallel runway setup, on opposite sides (west and east) of the new large map size. Each runway has a nearby Emergency Response station, each with 2 firetrucks and 2 ambulances. I just had an emergency landing with an engine fire, and the firetruck that responded was the farthest away; I am surprised the aircraft gave the firetruck enough time to reach it for extinguishing, as there isn’t a direct route for the farther stations/runways. I assumed the closest emergency response vehicle would claim the emergency, but that was not the case in this instance. The then held up the one runway’s arrivals and departures. I have just one terminal area spanning the world, as that is all the terminal setup needs, and it is working well; therefore, both emergency response stations fall within the terminal area. Perhaps a bug that could be fine-tuned?


So I think Bug 40644 should be mine - something about Passenger Departure/Arrival numbers looking weird in the flight panel. I was having a moment; not sure what I was thinking, and completely guessed wrong on the bug here. To better put this, it is really a bug where I have one gift shop pre-security, and EVERYBODY concentrates on it, to the point where they miss checking in, and many people no longer make flights. I have decided to not have any shops pre-security to mitigate this.

Is anyone else noticing passengers concentrating on shops upon world arrival and not checking in?

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Same issue as I reported in Beta 5 with a few screenshots a week ago. Departure passengers would stampede to the pre-security franchises causing huge queues and crowds, as you say then missing check in

Two things.

  1. I would be able to enter the contract list on a shop or food room even if i already have a contract. Too see if i can get one that pays better. Instead of having to first cancel the contract and then wait to sign the same one again in case i don’t find anyone better.

  2. Would it b be possible? Aswell as a good idea? To set the cleaning to not start before the deboarding is completed. That would be realistic as well as get the boarding times possibly more “on time” instead of an hour early. :slight_smile:

Ever since I have updated the game atc for GA has been an in absolute chaos. There are GA aircraft freezing on the taxiway and not moving, even when no aircraft are around. There are also GA aircraft that just taxi across the map diagonally, not on any taxiway whatsoever. I have bug reported so I hope that helps narrow down the issue. [ACEO-40664]

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I don’t know what is up, but has something changed with the way CRJ200 mods work? All my custom mods - non-Steam - are showing up as Edwards Bay, even though they are a modded airline. Did something change in the JSONs?

And I have also noticed a MASSIVE delay in remote stand vehicles when full and leaving the terminal to head to the stand - this is true for both service cars (not so bad) and the airside buses (the worst, as it can huge cause delays).

Yes! When there’s bad weather the sun goes away! :slight_smile:

I’ve implemented a supposed fix for this in the latest beta 6 version.

Every airport is different, that’s the biggest challenge with designing this game and in most cases the issue is not that aircraft are departing early… :stuck_out_tongue:

I would refresh the contracts, i.e. cancel and reaccept.

Bug report?

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@Olof Any updates on this issue? I posted the other day in the Beta 5 forum. Just following up.

Passengers leaving my airport are not using the ample subway system I built up anymore. I notice that after one of the beta pushes under 5, most of the passengers deadlock at the baggage claim areas. Subway usage at my 16 stations also dropped off from around 170 passengers an hour, down to an average of 87 passengers. I sent a report ACEO-40637. I deleted all the bus and taxi stands. Still no improvement. This is also having a huge impact on the game engine. I was able to process over 25,000 passengers a day and their planes without any lag. Now, security lines are starting to backup, and ramp agents are not performing service rounds or loading/unloading baggage. Flights are facing major delays.

Back from the weekend and rolling out beta 6.0-4 now with the following fixes:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Beta 6.0-4


  • [ACEO-40300] - Aircraft prefer hangars close to originating runway rather than close proximity
  • [ACEO-40424] - Deserialized vehicles parked on parking lots cannot be correctly claimed by passengers causing various transit related issues
  • [ACEO-40492] - Terminal overlay shortcut and button available before feature is unlocked
  • [ACEO-40513] - Static stand notifications for missing connections do not match look of other world notifications
  • [ACEO-40517] - Placing fence gate on fence causes construction overlay duplicate
  • [ACEO-40518] - Tile construction overlay not diffuse material
  • [ACEO-40522] - Items that are allowed to be placed outside can be placed on any structure
  • [ACEO-40524] - Flowers can be built on top of pond
  • [ACEO-40525] - Demolishing unbuilt flowers causes orphaned construction overlay
  • [ACEO-40550] - Demolishing terminal foundation using terminal bulldozer with construction simulation causes orphaned wall construction overlays
  • [ACEO-40641] - Passengers can in configurations where rooms are placed excessively apart overwhelmingly prefer closest room

New feature

  • [ACEO-40530] - R&D marketing program now allows for visitors to visit the airport for dining and shopping


  • [ACEO-31199] - Terminals now highlight if they cannot be accessed by other terminals via walkable pathway
  • [ACEO-40250] - Added limit to number of stands allowed to connect to a single baggage bay
  • [ACEO-40519] - Slightly improved visuals of taxiway node setting panel

Does the problem persist in beta 6?

[ACEO-40250] - Added limit to number of stands allowed to connect to a single baggage bay

All my old saves are probably broken… :frowning:

No, it doesn’t affect existing airports, however new connections will be blocked. A baggage bay can be connected to a worth of 10 points. Small stands are worth 1 point, medium stands are worth 1.5 points and large stands are worth 2 points.

Also in this update you can expect an exodus from your parking lots due to the fix of ACEO-40242, this will be re-balanced again in tomorrows update! :slight_smile:


Yay! It’s also nice to see those parking lot issue’s being squashed Even if it means rush hour at a real airport!

Also, don’t turn slow mode on again please!

This is the second, separate save this has happened to me with. It also happened with a different mod. In my first instance, it was with an airline (CRJ200). This time, it was with the Steam Workshop REGA Air Ambulance mod, which is a CRJ200. This is a type of contract you do not accept, but are at the mercy of the game offering its type of emergency. Not sure what else I can do.

I will note, this started happening to me after the game froze on me one day, and spontaneously uninstalled itself - or at least my system thinks this, as I had to reinstall. So, this is also after “reinstalling” the game…

The only way I was able to break the log jam of passengers was to close the airport, dismiss aircraft, and wait for the 20,000 passengers in baggage claim to collect their luggage and depart the terminal. They did via the subway system. That is not broken. If you’re not seeing any “buggy” info in the game file, maybe the smaller design of the individual baggage claim areas broke the AI when a crush of passengers attempted to collect their bags at a peak time in the game. Forward thinking before the new implementation of the points system, I limited each baggage bay/claim area to eight medium stands so not to overwork the ramp agents.

Another one of those hard-to-capture bugs via the in-game screenshot. The Vehicle Statistics button’s descriptor (in the Statistics Panel) when hovering over the button needs updating.

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rename this game to Airport / Mall Ceo because I can already predict people creating malls while completely ignoring the airport part


That is exactly how we want it to be abused… :smiley: