Airport CEO Beta 3 released

Wow looks good!


my gardeners stay busy and get paid very well :rofl:

I like the trees! I add themto my build

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assign/toggle bus/car stops for staff or pax drop off/pick up areas only so the pax don’t have to walk so far to get to the pax areas.

Agreeing 100% - nice to hear I’m not the only one hoping this will be included in 1.0

PS. Super nice build btw!

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Bug 37569 I think, forgot to write down the number - I planned a couple of medium gates. Now I get offers for medium aircraft flights (which I cannot handle atm, also a bug), but I no longer get offered small flights.

Quit/reload didn’t help either

Bug 37579 - Is this correct? It says I am already at the limit of my flights for the day (which is 75) but there are only 67 planned

edit: nevermind, autoplanner planned flights but the screen was not updated. Had to close and reopen to see the new plan.

Link to the thread relevant to the ideas above :slight_smile:

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I’m just putting cafes and shops in my new build. The franchise staff arrive, and the lights go on indicating they are open, but the PAX will not visit the franchises until after a save/reload.

To compound the issue, on the new first floor cafe, the staff arrive, the PAX ignore them, and after a save/reload the franchise staff run for the exit, leaving the hungry PAX gathered at the unmanned cash desks…

Good evening. Rolling out beta 3.3-4 now containing an important fix for construction orders that would get cancelled between save reloads, a long with some other fixes! :slight_smile:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Beta 3.3-4


  • [ACEO-32231] - Security officers sometimes takes unnecessary long routes to get to their destination
  • [ACEO-37428] - Un-built or planned taxiway can be used by aircraft
  • [ACEO-37431] - Taxiway built in planning mode can't be deleted
  • [ACEO-37464] - Copy and pasting conveyor belts can in rare instances cause them to not respawn with correct rotations
  • [ACEO-37473] - Material for floor boarding direction signs not always correctly set
  • [ACEO-37504] - Check-in and boarding desks can be relocated when they are connected causing various issues
  • [ACEO-37506] - Terminal object highlighting is sometimes not reset correctly
  • [ACEO-37527] - Missing icon for automatic reorder button in fuel depot panel
  • [ACEO-37552] - Objects set for construction can in rare instances not be deserialized into construction queue on load
  • [ACEO-37554] - Fuel trucks can over time make increasing pirouettes before commencing refueling at fuel depot
  • [ACEO-37559] - Merging terminals while having the terminal information visible may completely stall the game execution loop

Nice! :heart:

Fingers cross one way up/down tunnels might be on their way to compliment the new customisable world entrances. Be cool to be able to dip dual lane roads in and out of world entrances, under runways and other items, to maximise space


may somebody check that? i sended allready Bugreport (ACEO-37612):
B737-600 Mods are broken, they load only a Vanilla Livery, no matter if Native Mods or from Steam…

As it is Friday, any chance to see a modkit for one of the new planes soon?
Just for at least one plane… even a little one is ok


Enjoy the coming weekend. :upside_down_face:


haha :joy: which one would you prefer the most?


Easiest for you.
Saab, Q300, Fokker, MD80. We will be busy for a while with any of them.


MD80 will be like: ok, ACEO Modding Group is busy until summer next year with all planned MD80s mods

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Okay, I will see if I can at least get MD80 out today :slight_smile:



How did you make the airline,can you tell me? Pls

You mean mods or aircrafts in general?