Airport CEO Alpha 36 released (The Emergency Update)

I totally agree @jasperwillem


Mmmm, you told us recently to read more Trello, this is the result of that :wink: ~ hahahaha


Will you fix the horrible vehicle-pathfinding in beta? This has been a bug/irritant for many iterations.


As long as you bug report the instances that don’t work for you we’ll have a look at it! :slight_smile:


Sent several bug reports

  • ACEO-32122: Epidemic doesn’t affect pax traffic; in fact in some cases pax traffic increases
  • ACEO-32125: While selecting multiple stands, turning the stands off and on again overrides the airline preference (e.g. if stand A only take Swiftly, stand B only takes Nordic, and stand C can take any airlines, selecting Stand A and then selecting Stand B+C at the same time, then turning all of them off and on again, Stand A, B, and C is now set to take only Swiftly)
  • ACEO-32127: Pax path analysis tool can’t properly analyse path from secure domestic to secure International. However, they can find a path from secure international to secure domestic.
  • ACEO-32129: When signing a franchise contract, the “Days since sales target was last met” doesn’t start at 0.

Walls can be built out of the foundation and on every object.

You cannot clone an object to another floor when a queue is part of the clone.


Thanks for the reports! No need to always post them here too unless there’s a specific conversation to have about the bug as we’ll have the report in the backlog! :smiley:


It’s for our own satisfaction when we see our bug numbers in the changelog.


Here’s Alpha 36.3-0 with several different fixes! We’ve had to make a major change to the job task distribution system and are thus pushing the potential default deployment forward a bit to, most likely, Thursday noon CET, unless something is royaly sceweed up! :slight_smile:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 36.3-0


  • [ACEO-31690] - Added step label to completion percentage text on emergency investigation panel to better highlight how progression works
  • [ACEO-31985] - Massive amounts of failed job tasks in distribution system for a certain employee type can cause distribution deadlocks
  • [ACEO-32055] - Aircraft not worthy emergency too frequent
  • [ACEO-32090] - Missing passenger not onboard vehicle validation check can cause zone transitioning to not be invoked
  • [ACEO-32103] - Vehicles not parked at parking objects can in rare occasions be incorrectly displayed as parked
  • [ACEO-32110] - Walls are built several times if overlapping while using template tool
  • [ACEO-32111] - Achievements disabled for downloaded workshop saves to prevent accidental unlocks
  • [ACEO-32119] - Several structures do not correctly set their grid area as unwalkable resulting in contractors and animals being able to pass through
  • [ACEO-32123] - If placing a single wall tile (1x1) ontop of another, funds will be subtracted
  • [ACEO-32124] - Boarding desk can unintentionally connect to a stand already handling flight deadlocking its connection
  • [ACEO-32127] - Path analysis tool not always reliable when crossing multiple floors
  • [ACEO-32129] - Template image capturing can in rare occasions fail


  • [ACEO-31433] - Updated animal sprite graphics
  • [ACEO-32138] - Job task distrubtion system now uses metered time broker to improve performance

When assigning a mass amount of vehicles to parking space from a depot to a parking structure, every time you have assigned a vehicle, the depot window where you selected the vehicle from is closed. When that depot is two floors up, and from a different part of the airport, you have to make a lot of clicks for each assignment. When the assignment of a vehicle is started from a depot, can the depot reopen after assigning the vehicle?

Might help to turn off zone view. I hate zone view since they changed it. Can’t see anything.

Use shortcuts, like Z for zoning. C for taxinodes.


the police and fire departments are big - there would be smaller PD and FD - example 2 trucks for each department - less costs


When a check-in desk is connected to a Baggage Bay, can the connection screen please list the Baggage Bay ID, so you know to which Baggage Bay it is connected?

Also, if a Baggage Bay has enough check in desks, can the check in desk that I want to close, move the flights to another check in desk, so it can be demolished? Thx.

At this moment the fastest way to demolish a check in desk, is removing the terminal block :wink:



I dont even… 32158




After update 36.3-0 I experienced weird pax behaviour, probably it was caused by self check in desks.
ACEO-32156 48 self check-in desks (with 48 baggage drops nearby), but pax couldn’t find way ("!" over them). But rebuilding desks helped
ACEO-32157 only one baggage drop (out of 27 assigned to baggage bay operating that flight and no other flights) was opened for that flight. I’m sure that all others were correctly assigned to baggage bay.
BTW when I was building previous airport, as far as I remember every baggage drop was opened for every flight which was operating by that baggage bay. Did this change?


Tip; do not zone underground pavement to secure or international zoning and then break it down, you will get 100 zones unmerging :wink: ~ it even escalates in a visual bug. ~ game mailed to olof.

FPS went crazy, near zero.


Somehow my departing baggage has an issue, anyone an idea what to watch for in design errors?

Seems I cant find it, thought I solved it by unsecuring baggage bay roads, seems not te be it. The black box behind such numbers should be known to a player to diagnose issue. ~ 32166

When allowing medium planes on large stands, you cannot assign a medium and large baggage loader to the stand? that is a problem, since when a vehicle is assigned, it blocks other equal vehicles. (pushback seems not to be an issue for pushback, I did not double assign yet). ~ I also do not see LOADING orders on big stand baggage carousels.



Can the filter for planetypes in Flight Planner, unlist all airliners offering no flights in that category that are selected?

32167 - I got several double “created” baggage loaders. Maybe that is the baggage issue origine.

Seems I dont get baggage loading working for some reason. I have an empty field, only a few planes loading.


Anyone else having check in issues?


I have the same staff issues, hover those staffer, they cant find the staffroom says the message.

How can queueing be an issue with 13 people on field?



Yeap, they seem to refuse to work too lol, guess bug report time


It seems 2 of my high end games suddenly both list my games as “false” for achievements and I have no idea why. I did not use any tools. Can it be because they were booted in an older version? It seems not based on the save, but the unique ID signature.

Wait, if steam~workshop items are loaded in game, it locks you out?


Sharing a weird observation I have regarding emergencies:

So I’ve been trying to get the air ambulances to spawn, so what I did was I basically nuked (cancelled all commercial medium flights) in-game but let the stands remain open; so now I have signed contracts, a bunch of empty medium stands and no flights planned for all of them. However, I managed to blitz through a lot of in-game days without receiving any emergencies. I only got 1 which was the bad weather causing delays, but that’s it. And this is playing on a Very Hard difficulty, meaning I normally get 5 emergencies. I expanded my airport a bit and started taking GA flights, and that’s when I received a bird strike emergency for a small flight. I haven’t received any other emergencies for medium stand during this time.

So my question is: how exactly are emergencies generated? Why is it only when there are flights in the airport that certain emergencies occur, especially those that are exogenous of the airport e.g. bird strikes?