Airport CEO Alpha 36 released (The Emergency Update)

They use it when there is no alternative way.


I just put it to the test, plane does not find a route :frowning: , now building alternate path.

I just broke the whole viewport interaction from the build menu, but I cant really bug report it, since there is nothing to show. It happened when I pushed the demolish button. When I click a to be build object, it flickers under my mouse for a second, and then is gone. 32087

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May changed? Last time Iā€™ve used that with A34.


:smiley: ~ works! ~ :slight_smile:


It should, but itā€™s not the case.

And itā€™s also a bit sad/frustrating since Iā€™m trying to see if itā€™s possible to mod in Air Ambulances at the moment, which I canā€™t check since I keep getting broken engines on departure, which is filling up my emergency lists.

EDIT: On another note, anyone notice that catering truck and cabin cleaning truck are slow as heck in the ramp, as opposed to other vehicles? At speed 3, they move slower than the fuel truck and the baggage cart in the ramp area. Which is made funny / infuriating when upon leaving the ramp, the catering / cabin cleaning truck suddenly blitz off like a car.


i sent in a bug report yesterday, i didnt write down the number. :frowning:


Good evening, friends! Thank you for the continued bug reporting. Weā€™re starting to get very satisfied with the health of the Alpha 36 builds, especially compared to the current Alpha 35 on default which has a few critical serialization issues, and will be looking to deploy Alpha 36 to the default branch this week. We also have as mentioned the first beta version in production with a lot of good rendering optimization fixes in already so it is definitely time to get this train on the same track.

Hereā€™s a few more fixes for the experimental branch tonight, and we will continue to monitor the bug flow and look at a few last important reported bugs tomorrow and hopefully by Wednesday evening transition Alpha 36 onto default.

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 36.2-9


  • [ACEO-31972] - Walkalator direction arrows too faint
  • [ACEO-32017] - Missing assignment check when attempting to push back from hangar can cause aircraft to deadlock
  • [ACEO-32037] - Enum typo on "air ambulance flight" causes string localization mismatch
  • [ACEO-32058] - Desks do not properly respawn job tasks on reactivation after a power surge
  • [ACEO-32071] - Forgotten debug "feature" (ahem...) disables player input until escape is pressed

@Olof ACEO 32099

i built a new airport and still same problem. Sent it over again for the no passengers boarding and no passenger service agents generating job task.


The non existent vehicles in depots is still around.




Good morning everyone,
I know that I ask very often for an adjustment of the Economic Dynamic, but is there any hope that you will adjust it again (at the beginning a 1 star rated airport, only 1 star rated constructors, 1 star rated fuel etc.)
That would be really cool and make the game a bit more realistic.
Where are the management fans? The more encouragement I get, the higher are the chances that the devs will take care of the problem :wink:
Have a good start into the day and stay healthy.


Can you explain in the next dev blog how you will handle all the open bug reports during Beta? Will you check everyone since the last 12+ months or only newer onces?

Iā€™m very concerned how you can handle and prioritize all the reported stuff which has been postponed to Beta over the past and make sure nothing important gets missed.


Not to be a sour sally, but Iā€™m concerned about A36 pushed to public this week, considering the myriad of balance/functionality issues Iā€™ve been seeing, such as:

  1. Is it intended that no pax or baggage is unloaded when an emergency plane (bird strike) lands? If so, what even is the point of having baggage cart (and by extension for remote stands, shuttle bus / service car) go there?
  2. Would there be a change in the random generation of incidents? Iā€™ve been getting aircraft not worthy almost everytime in the hardest difficulty, and I feel like emergency services (such as the ambulance) is no longer necessary for my airport.
  3. Following to that point, why do the airport get paid for unloading pax / baggage from aircraft not worthy? Seems like double dipping at that point.
  4. I also have 2 more bug reports, which I havenā€™t been able to send last night cause of internet outage, in which a) the unknown epidemy doesnā€™t really affect pax traffic in .8, and b) new store contracts sometimes get bugged and already start with 3 days sales target not met. Iā€™ll be sending this soon.

I agree that starting at 3 stars is not very challenging, but instead I would make the starting rating as 2 stars. 1 star would be achieved only by running a terrible airport.


If it hasnā€™t been mentioned in a change log you can count on it still being around! :wink:

Of course, the entire point of beta is to fix stuff and to do a lot of adjustments. Itā€™s final balancing will go into the final beta version before the game is complete.

I can explain it here! :slight_smile: We do not have any open bug reports as of ā€œthe last 12+ monthsā€ as it wouldnā€™t make any sense to keep a backlog of that size, or a backlog that outdated compared to the current version weā€™re developing. For example, it doesnā€™t make sense to invest a developerā€™s full focus on a pathfinding bug thatā€™s reported before the multi-floor or multi-terminal updates, and since weā€™ve made massive changes to the threading system in Alpha 36, the emergency update, plus I am convinced that we will continue to get additional bug reports from the default branch on these types of issues until they are fully dealt with during beta. To a user it almost always looks as if the same pathfinding bug is not fixed but technically, under the hood, they are very very different and we always need the bug files in its actual version context.

As Iā€™ve mentioned a few times before the large bulk of reported bugs are duplicates for a particular issue with that particular version, out of those one is processed through the flow and the other ones are read through and then archived each time we transition versions. Some of the archived bugs, that pertain to the same issue as the one single processed bug report, are at random selected for verification of the implemented solution but that is not something that is exposed in the flow. Over the years, as a result of all those bug reports, we are of course aware of most ā€œissue trendsā€ that do not relate to a particular version, including some highly requested features. These trends have been recorded in a separate backlog that is version agnostic and will at the point of transition into beta (after Alpha 36 release) be made into Jira issues again. We will also obviously, and perhaps with more focused attention now than before, continue to collect feedback from the various channels available and especially the bug flow on more concurrent and broad issues as we donā€™t have to prioritize a certain feature.

Those are valid issues and valid concerns, however on the default branch we are seeing reports of crash issues and serialization issues (broken saves) which are not present for Alpha 36 and thus a lot more critical. Plus, we have development and balancing already going on the beta branch so in order to streamline the process and arrive at the ultimate goal as fast as possible, i.e. a good and balanced game, is to get deployment going and continue to provide rapid updates and not to get stuck in perfecting Alpha 36. The game is very much still, and will be unless we can get into beta soon, an early access game.


So best way is to report bugs again when beta is out so that you have the confirmation that it still exists?


Definitely! We can never get too few bug reports, especially as the first beta versions roll out itā€™s always good to get extra confirmation that issues are still persistent, although it is likely (but certainly not guaranteed) that we are somewhat aware of it! :slight_smile:


Well, since A36 is going public soon, I recall something about how to mod in air ambulances. When exactly would we get a bit of tutorial / guidance on this? Iā€™ve already got one thatā€™s perfect to add, especially for smaller airports.


And donā€™t forget the Saab340 and Q300 MDK when you switch A36 to default. :kissing_heart:


Everyone starts out small :wink:


This should depend on difficulty level. Hard games should adjust downward.