Airport CEO Alpha 35 released (The Terminal Update)

Finally! It works perfectly now guys! :clap:t3:


Great to hear! :smiley:


Hey @Olof, as suggested I am giving you more details on the ACEO-27421

I basically have a staff zone drawn over an international and a secure one.
If i put a door on it, the staff zone disappears (but the international and secure ones still stand there)

Here’s a gif to better explain:


I take advantage of this post to highlight that the below mentioned bug still persists.

It also happens if foundations have not been removed. Of course, with lots of pax unboarding and unable to move… The game starts to heavly lag.


The lag is caused by the pathfinding overload lol

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Second deployment of the day rolling out now! :slight_smile:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 35.3-11


  • [ACEO-27318] - Toggle on staff hiring panel now allows for enabling or disable automatic terminal assignment on new employee hire or service vehicle purchase
  • [ACEO-27425] - Contractors can in rare instances get stuck in walls after constructing specific interaction items
  • [ACEO-27429] - Stands assigned to a specific airline do not get prioritized in the auto-planner flight schedule loop
  • [ACEO-27430] - Public transit vehicle spawn interval way too low
  • [ACEO-27433] - Large security checkpoint scanner sprite has incorrect z-value causing overlapping bags
  • [ACEO-27442] - Delivery trucks cannot correctly execute delivery orders until after save and reload

You’re on fire today!

Anything with ramp agents yet?

@Olof - ACEO-27461 - workers are stuck between to secuirty points of different terminals. These is related to the ACEO-27138 issue that has been somewhat solved (still standing somtimes).

The public transit buses are working better now, but the taxis are spawning still too slow IMO.

Public transport so much better now, thank you!

Taxis and private cars seem to be now pretty OK, but buses don’t work well. There is plenty of them, but they favour only certain stops. I got 6 stops, and number 1 gets 9/10 buses even if it doesn’t have anyone waiting on it. Meanwhile 5 and 6 are bursting.

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I just came to the point with trying to start the baggage system again for domestic flights. The baggage system is not activated yet. My employees and passangers are stuck right after the security exit. What do I miss?

Kind regards.

After deleting the baggage claim area, the people still stuck on the same place.

My transport system just exploded after last update. Too many vehicles, cars, buses and taxis. I’m trying to optimize a bit my system but I think it’s just too much.

Just wanted to ask, is there any chance that we get back working constructors any time soon? They not only get stuck in walls, they get stuck everywhere. If you build more than one item at once, there is always the chnace that other workers built around one and he can’t get out anymore. Just played 5 minutes and 3 constructers get stuck between objects again. One between trees, second in a corner of a couch and the third is standing on the wrong side of a hedge. You have allways to demolish some parts to get the workers free, built again and hope that they are on the right side this time. PLEASE bring back the constructors which beam thereselve out of such a stuck position. And please also do something about the pathfinding issues. Objects that are good reachable get marked as not reachable and also items that are build at the wrong order can’t be build after anything was built in front of it first. It’s really annoying.

Ok, for some reason I tried testing a mini 5 large international-only stands (5 active, there are about 5 other large stands and 20 medium stands which are inactive) on realistic. For some reason, I keep getting offered domestic flights, even for large aircrafts. Is this how the simulation supposed to work?

Also another addition to @twocflyer’s previous problem, there seems to be a dead zone in West Thailand where the nearest city is Barrow, Alaska (USA). This is also visible somewhere in Sri Lanka, where it would display the nearest city as some city in Jan Mayen, and in Sao Tome and Pricipe where it’s listed as Amritsar (India) or Luton (UK). I know these issues are minor in comparison, but I think the database should start to be slowly expanded to generate better domestic/international spawn ratio.

Also another minor point, I think the bug reporter can crash if you hit Esc while trying to compile the data for the bug report (e.g. attaching screenshot).

And there we go first time with me for stucked contractors…(ACEO-24477)

They also get stucked, with a save, which I made just minutes before I started to construct the baggage bay repeatly.

aceo-27478 - security broken, dont know whet to do, only 3 of them show up at medium security, that needs 4 to work and nobody shows for small security, have 22 security staff and these are the only security checkpoints

Can’t get a screenshot via the bug reporting tool for what I am getting. I have some terminal serving as a “bridge” with portion without a terminal underneath. That portion does not display the construction grid. I tested and could successfully re-build it, keeping the lower level as intended; so I think its a visual bug.

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It’s common for me, bug report it. I just ignore it as it is a very recurring problem. It’s not in the way of my building so I am good there.


I agree with every word you say. From the bottom of my heart, I agree. The game has it faults, from bugs to realism. I have and always will be an aviation enthusiast. I can’t express enough that when I started playing in early 2018 I found my love and passion for the game. I continued playing until I found this great community. It was so welcoming that I have been on it at almost any time of day, on vacation and during breaks. Of course, that is my choice and I defiantly don’t regret it. I have been with the community for almost the same time twocflyer has been. This game has been on my wishlist forever, and when I first got it I ranked up hours fast. I continue to rank up hours, but I have lost interest.

Ever since Alpha 35 came out, I was like “ok” I started to build and have made 3 successful airports from the ground up. The community around me, the devs, and my love for aviation have not stopped me a single bit from loving almost every aspect of this game. I have been very involved in the past few months and I wish to continue.

However much I love aviation and this community I have slowly broken from it. hours of regular playing ACEO turned into other things. I have been way less active in ACEO and the forum as I have gone 3 days without visiting an otherwise hourly thing for me.

What I think is wrong with Alpha 35 and the game, is there are many things that prevent or stop me from moving ahead, new updates, and anticipated items. realism is one of them and I think it can be way better. I know this is a tycoon game but somethings just don’t make sense. Also, as more and more hours I rank up the fewer and fewer things I can do in the game. The game is not a simulation game, but rather I could make the same airport twice and that’s NOT the point! The idea is getting repetitive and I just have also lost interest. I love the game, not as much involved in the modding section but I with the community has really not seen anything that gives me a goal to reach. I just wished the game was more vibrant and open. Aviation is probably the riskiest market in my mind, and ACEO does NOT display that.

I want to close this off by saying, I will always stand by Aviation, the community, ACEO, and the forum. I will add any input I can and stay positive. the people is what keeps me going, and devs, I just wish the game can get things like connecting flights, and other more vibrant things. I will not forget Alpha 36 is around the corner and I will see if I regain interest to play it then. :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

This is -@win_win


Good luck with the inevitable fines about baggage not being scanned correctly. You might want to hold off until you have some scanners in place