Airport CEO Alpha 35 released (The Terminal Update)

ACEO-27191 Fully Staffed Medium Security Checkpoints Show as Unmanned
ACEO experimental vers 35.3-8
Both Medium Security Checkpoints are fully manned. However, icons indicate unmanned.
The condition cleared upon save/reload. Therefore, I don’t know if devs can fix. Situation has ocurred in multiple iterations.

Are both the security checkpoints and the staff assigned to a terminal?

I don’t use terminal zoning. Therefore there is a single terminal.

Try assigning them to a terminal?

As I mentioned, the condition clears when I save/reload. So, I won’t use terminal zoning at this time.

That’s another issue. If your airport is in Russia or China you’ll get a lot of A32X/B737X flights. It depends on the size of the country, the minimum distance of the aircraft and the amount of domestic airports.
My problem is the lack of offers, although there is a few domestic airports in my country.
For example an airline fleet consists of a320, B737, and CRJ700 but my country is too small to offer flights for the first two aircraft. Then I have to wait a long time until I get a domestic offer for a CRJ700 flight.

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That’s exactly what I’m reporting :slight_smile: Most of the countries especially in Europe will have this problem.

Yeah, I built a sky bridge on an airport on the 3rd floor (floor 2). I guess that is not possible now :frowning:

Wait, sky bridges are not possible anymore?

well not over any stands…

AFAIK the system checks if a construction is valid by looking at the start, and end location of the dragging. Meaning that you can still technically construct over stands and then demolish.

Wooo!! thats a lot of people :rofl: My first time designing a “Big” airport…


Incorrect. I tried to do that a couple days ago. Didn’t work

Is there any plans to implement a fast track lane for Business Class passengers

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Question regarding the passport control:
Do I only need to build the passport control for departure or do I need to build passport control for arrival pax too? …
in real life when I travel from europe to USA (or other contries), I have to go thru passport control when leaving europe and also when i arrive in USA (immigration)…(?!)

Both ways, for departure and arrival pax.

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What I just wondered about:
Do cars from parking lots also leave them again?

Has there been a change with contractor behavior? I remember they could go anywhere and everywhere and now they get stuck anywhere and everywhere.

There’s currently a bug where path finding cannot find a way through franchise rooms. I had many pax complaining can’t find secure zone exit, which was through a shop. Deleted shop room and about 100 or so pax exited. It’s been reported through bug reporting tool.

Anyone having issues with simulating the weather. I’m trying to disable it and its still snowing