Airport CEO Alpha 35 released (The Terminal Update)

Thanks for your reply @Olof but i did ask about security zones, not international. I had everything in one zone, domestic and international areas included. Also baggage claim was inside this area. You said earlier that arrivals and departures should be separate security zones to stop people wandering around too much which was my initial complaint.

  1. Does security for departures need exit too?
  2. Does security for arrivals need checks, even for staff use only?

Game complains if all areas don’t have checks and exits.

  1. Do staff cross different security zones freely or do i need to provide checks and exits for them? If staff member checks into departure zone, can he/she go to arrivials without recheck?
  2. Stands have their security zone too. Is this supposed to be connected to arrivals or departure? Or maybe left as yet another zone? Which then refers back to point three, is staff able to access it if it is a separate zone?

Yes, because the flights you have at that particular airport are so late that they are closed for check-in. As mbobojar said, your best bet is to dismiss them and scale up security for a new round of flights.

Yes, especially as of Alpha 36 where incidents might cancel flights and people need to be able to exit those areas.

It’s good practice to have any secure area accesible in any direction, yes.

Security officers can cross over secure borders without a security checkpoint, other staff require checkpoints. If you segregate an arrival and departure area correctly so that they are separate secure areas (have a different number), staff will need to exit the first area and then re-enter the other area.

Stand’s secure area is merged with a terminals secure area once connected via ground floor or a jetway. If they are remote then nobody has business walking over there, as ramp agents travel by service vehicle and thus need access to that car stop via some security check-point but that is not required to be connected to the remote stand in question.


@Olof. Thank you. Will do. It would be great if the Flight Monitor screen (G-key) had a button for each flight to remove it or even clear the stand it is at. Otherwise, I need to go to each individual stand and release the flight.

Thanks @Olof. That’s now clear and seems i need to do a bunch of remodelling.

Incidents? Oooh sir… :wink:

Sorry, one more question.

Has it been mentioned before, that it would be nicer to be able to assign baggage system other way round. Now we need gazillion clicks to assign all check-ins and stands to baggage bay, where as if we could chose the baggage bay and then click all the connection we want to make. This way we need about 50% less clicks as each individual check-in or stand doesn’t have to be selected first, then assign baggage. This is sometimes a handfull especiall when baggage bay is on different floor than check-in stuff.


After 35.3-8 my remote stands do not recognize boarding desk and security.

I had the same problem . Put sidewalks on the tiles above the entrance, that should solve the problem :

I assume you need more transit structures to fix your check-in issue. I’m not sure if Olof made some changes here, but I had to build 6 more subways on the latest build to keep up with the passenger demand.

Passengers are stuck rigth after secuirty checkpints and before passport control. can’t find there way. ACEO-27138

Also I get no domestic flights, although my country has 2 other airports they fly from and to.

@Olof, I cleared out all by flight backlog. Flight Monitor shows all departures are to be on-time. Pax still do not checkin. They stop at the Subway and leave.

Meanwhile, back to an old bug (in that same savegame), the planes in gates A01 and A02 (small stands) never leave. The stand status for each is OPEN. I actually have to remove the flights from GameData.json manually.

Just as it looks in my screenshot above. :wink: The street is only visible on ground floor. The jetway however is visible inside the terminal building on any floor, even further above, that’s the graphical glitch.

Maybe try to build more subway stations just to try, maybe the actual subway station is broken someway… and remember about sidewalk

So a little bit of addition to that problem with contractors stalling/not working, is it possible that their pathfinding and/or function got converted to pax? I just saw the constant notifications error for my contractors, and many of them got categorized into pax notifications.

Stands aren’t connecting with the boarding desk…

Restarting the game didn’t helped, rebuilt security exit and security control…

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Click on the boarding desk and hit “reconnect stand”.

Did already. Also replaced boarding desks and stands. Nothing helps…

Another player has the same problem as @zulu354 ; see Same problem here. I looked at his savegame, and everything checks out. Properly zoned from Security Checkpoint to the Stand. I disconnected and reconnected stands. I replaced stands and desks. Nothing helped. A definite bug.


Same problem here. Everything is correctly connected, but nothing

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same with me

Thanks for connecting. Hope they can fix that issue soon…