Airport CEO Alpha 32 released (The Turnaround Update)

Is it assigned to the garage near your terminal building?

Doesn’t matter

Well having vehicles assigned to parking spaces next to their working places usually helps my vehicle pathfinding, but alright…

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The point of a summer hiatus is to recoup and gain new energy, i.e. taking a hiatus. Working all year round causes burnouts.

Looks like it’s simply a minor distance checking bug in the vehicle’s random node fetch method for the roaming activity, was probably introduced in Alpha 31. Will be fixed in the next deployment.


Indeed, a vacation is to rest and recuperate. I meant, please contemplate where a fix may resolve the issue. I’ve been a developer for nearly 50 years. During some crunch times to meet a deadline, we literally slept under our desks. We didn’t smell so good, but hey, we hit the deadline. Now THAT causes burnout.

This bug has been with us for a couple years.

New version rolling out now, Alpha 32.6-5, with fixes mainly intended for the default branch.

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Alpha 32.6-5


  • [ACEO-14636] - Airport staff renamed 'passenger service agent' in accordance with industry terminology
  • [ACEO-14637] - Security staff renamed 'security officer' in accordance with industry terminology
  • [ACEO-14856] - Improved error handling for person activity update loops to avoid stalling persons


  • [ACEO-14128] - Dashboard and main interaction bag counters do not match
  • [ACEO-14622] - Security officers can in rare instances become displaced during or after job task completion causing pathfinding errors
  • [ACEO-14635] - Inactive construction text causing notable performance impact even if object is built
  • [ACEO-14806] - Runway tire marks layered over aircraft on runway
  • [ACEO-14808] - Jetway not colorable from first floor or above
  • [ACEO-14850] - Premature activity evaluation method for when relief items break can cause a NullReferenceException on interaction items and stalled passengers
  • [ACEO-14858] - Missing distance check for random node fetch in vehicle's roaming method can cause extensive detours in large airports

Note: Another update with more experimental specific changes will tomorrow!


Did you guys have the chance to look at my reports? ACEO 14760-1-2

Maybe im blind or overlooking something but i cant find in the experimental branch the modular sofas anymore…?

Modular sofas are still there. Check in Restaurants.

Anyone having issues of staff or passengers just frozen in their spot not doing anything?

I’ve reported it. I don’t remember the bug number.

New to the game but found this bug but did not submit: I have a small regional airport and the truck when in the depot says maintenance required, but it’s health is 100 percent. Is this a known bug or am I doing something wrong?

Yeah. I submitted a bug about this. In a recent experimental branch build, I noticed dozens of passengers standing just outside of subway entrances, not moving. I also saw a lot of airport staff standing near check-in desks, doing nothing, sometimes standing still on conveyor belts, while many flights were delayed because airport staff were not going to boarding desks to board passengers.

I saw this too. I think it is just placeholder text. It doesn’t affect vehicles in any way, so don’t worry about it.

Olof, that’s my first airport in the game, the first save is dated back to 23.10.2017. But as I said earlier, there wasn’t any issue with it before the deployment of Alpha 32.

Just for your kind information, if I start a new airport and save it, the game loads it back without any issue.

Thank you for your help!

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New text in the graphics settings for a toggle (tree motion is what it used to be).

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Hello Olof, since version update 32.6-5 my saved game will not load. It stalls at loading game data. I’m not sure if this is an issue other are having. This saved game is a new airport I started when Alpha 32 was released.

And they deserve some family holidays as well. We do all :slight_smile:

I’m having this problem with Alpha 32 where I load up my save and then when it goes to loading game world it crashes and when I go to relaunch the game steam then doesn’t recognise that the game is installed so I have to reinstall the entire game for it to work again.

Same here, game crashes shortly after loading…

Heya Dev Team!
Have a nice summer vacay, and I hope you have a nice good rest. You guys totally deserve it.

My one request, which should be easy, is a Patreon account for you so that we can give you our continued love and support, even long after we’ve all paid for the game. Much Love♥️!

Live Long and Party🖖,