Airport CEO 1.0-0 released

Also, just a suggestion, can you make load/save/delete saved games filterable by name as well as by date last saved? Please and thank you :pray: :heart:

Why do you need 2 baggage trucks, Stairs are the only thing which needs 2.

Hello @Olof , @Alexander and @Fredrik!
Is the “Privacy” section still up to date? Can you make a section “Achievements” instead? Will there be, for example, a better time in days and hours for which the player has transported 50 000 000 passengers at his airport? Well, for example, on the site to create a section where the top 10 players will be. Such a competition. It would spur interest and lengthen the game’s life cycle. What do you think?


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So you’ve placed new stickers in 1.0-7, reloaded the game and they did not persist?

We don’t have any other reports on this, have you separated these areas with the terminal tool?

It is.

A bike rack? To vehicles? Uhm, no… not at this point.

There can be two stair trucks and two airside shuttle buses on large stands. I tried this just this day.

Yes and it’s very much needed.

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Rolling out another small fix, 1.0-8 with the following fixes (on the experimental branch)!

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version  1.0-8


  • [ACEO-42311] - Aircraft can in very rare instances stall when attempting to fetch an available runway
  • [ACEO-42364] - Job task dispatching for remote boarding flights can in some instances for medium on large stands not always work correctly
  • [ACEO-42570] - Concorde droop-snoot too far drooped when parked at stand
  • [ACEO-42571] - Supersonic DLC: Aircraft spawn ratio too high
  • [ACEO-42636] - Service trucks can in extremely rare instances not appear after exiting vehicle depot
  • [ACEO-42644] - Planned objects count towards net worth
  • [ACEO-42645] - "Delivery trucks only" setting for road nodes does not include fuel truck deliveries
  • [ACEO-42652] - When toggling planning mode the context menu label does not always update

I buy an O


OK. Well, at least somewhere in the menu, you can cram information about how long it will take me to transport 50,000,000 passengers? Give me a chance to get back into the game again. :rofl:

Yes i separated these areas with the terminal tool i think i know what the issues was when you build access on -1 for staff and zone for them only which going under the stands form one terminal to the other i sloved the promblem when i deleted the path for the staff i can sent a screen shots of it

Yes, I just checked it. In 1.0-8 the modded stickers I placed are back to being questionmarks after reload of the save (both in “continue game” and “load a saved game”).

Put a staff zone under the conveyor belt…

I mean, that kind of depends on how many flights you have running in the game? Calculate how many pax on average a day you process you’ll be able to estimate how many hours you have on average until 50 million! :smiley: :mantelpiece_clock:

What mods are you using?

Okay, I have found the FINAL™ bug regarding this and it’s an execution order oversight on my part! So in the meantime until the next patch gets released, simply load the save immediately again and they should appear correctly :laughing: :sweat_smile:


Not necessarily vehicles but a static bike rack / shelter would be nice.

yes I know, OCD here…

is it possible to have the light grey lines that outlines the roofs continue on 1x tile wide foundations?

:pray: :heart: :stuck_out_tongue:


Just tested it and it works. Great job :partying_face: :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :partying_face: :raised_hands: :clap: :clap: :clap: :raised_hands:

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Anyone else finding shop demand (secure zone for departing passengers) painfully low in recent default versions? A terminal with 15-20 medium and 6 small stands with 3 waves of flights, only around 40 or so sales for the whole day. Yet the arrivals secure zone sees around 200+ sales in the short wait for baggage delivery.

Is this a bug or am I missing some new method or requirement? :wink:

Doesn’t it depends on the airline class now? Passengers for lower rated airlines are less willing to spend money.

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Well, then I played enough before the release. It is sad, of course, that I will not see it in the game, which is interesting to me. Just keep in mind for the future. :laughing:

Have a little bug (I think):
When I try to build a queue at a Security Checkpoint (all sizes) the game always first tells me, that I can’t build it because there is something in the way.
When I abort that and directly try again it works just fine.

With other queues I don’t have that issue. Was in two different saves and comes up every time.
not that big of an issue but a little annoying :sweat_smile:

I’m playing on the experimental branch.


Sounds strange, we’ll have a look at it!

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