Arrivals aren’t interested in shopping. They run straight to the toilet, the bag claim or the exit.
Minor one, if you right click on a floor above a road, it presents the road restriction menu, picking up from the road below the terminal or underground apologies haven’t had chance to bug report. I’ve also noticed some labels are capitalised and some are case sensitive in how they display (between click individual items, or seeing them in a list such as gate names in the flight planner).
yup, kept forgetting to report that one too. minor but super annoying lol
Any update on the ? stickers?
Should be fixed on the latest -7 version but if you can reproduce it on that verison, @Alexander wants to talk to you…
Yeah unfortunately, but the issue should not reappear once they’re replaced.
AAAAAAAAAA I got so many taxiway stickers
Somehow now it’s different secure zone… I have no idea why😂 and elevators started to work too
After every reload of the game the stickers are back to “?”.
passenger are going to tthe wrong terminal after cehck-in and to the other terminal for ther flight all zone correct have bug repot it
If anyone else replaces their ? stickers you can just copy the ? marks then delete and place back down.
Wish I had knew this before I spent an hour redoing them lol
Not sure if this pathing is intended…
Passengers can go diagonally through a wall if there’s two wall pieces only joined at the corners.
Also any plans to add a bike rack to the game?
I think it’s been that way for a while now but it can get frustrating. You can place a plant or similar decoration to block the diagonal shortcuts
I had a “bad-Weather-Emergency” in my game today and it brought up this question again…
Because it messed up my manually made schedule again
yes that happen to me the other day it was a pain to manually made schedule again 16 stands all full it was not easy wish the flights got cancels during this emergency
Is it intentional that we can only park 1 baggage truck and 1 stair truck on each Large Stand? Just wondering since you need 2 stair trucks for large aircraft can help improve baggage with 2 trucks… even though they aren’t needed. But still 2 stair trucks are required for large aircraft. If its suppose to be that way thats fine, ill park the other stair trucks elsewhere but just wondering if its intended or not cuz right now you cannot park 2 of those vehicles.
question. I can park 2 stair trucks on large stand. It lets me connect a 2nd baggage truck on the large stand but then the baggage truck drives to the stand, stops then turns around and goes and fines parking else where. There is already a baggage truck parked on the large stand. is this a bug?