[ACEO-42580] - Missing tooltip on follow with camera on flight information panel
[ACEO-42590] - Economy report incorrect when calculating balance including construction cost
[ACEO-42605] - Medium check-in desk is not unlocked with baggage unlocking R&D project
[ACEO-42639] - Bags can in extremely rare instances be assigned incorrect status on transition causing them to fly across world
[ACEO-42680] - Persons can in extremely rare build configurations adjust prematurely to certain desks causing them to become offset when deboaring airside shuttle buses
[ACEO-42682] - Animals can in certain build configurations pass through fences on a diagonal path
[ACEO-42683] - Main menu flip row sound slightly too loud
[ACEO-42699] - Closed baggage bay does not spawn world notification immediately on load causing baggage operation to stop
If it hasn’t been mentioned in the change log then it hasn’t yet been fixed, but it has highest priority for tomorrow and 1.0-10 which we’ll be targeting for the default branch.
Thanks. I’ve had time away from ACEO whilst replacing laptop (since just before 1.0). Will remember this in future if it is a matter of airline class. Is this the primary factor @Olof ? Or do we have to match retailer star rating to airline star rating for example, or do higher rate airline passengers spend more across all shops? It all seems a bit confusing unless I’ve missed something. Thanks
It all makes sense now why the random flight generation isn’t always that random and often prefers the same destinations, no matter where your map is located.
Well yes, if you place your airport in Europe it’s likely that you will get most flights from prevalent European airports. But that would be expected, right?
It would be nice if this would be somehow configurable (.e.g. put the values for the shops in a JSON file). Some like the large amount of money from the shops, even if not realistic.