Airport CEO 1.0-0 released

Rolling out another small update, 1.0-9! :slight_smile:

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version  1.0-9


  • [ACEO-42580] - Missing tooltip on follow with camera on flight information panel
  • [ACEO-42590] - Economy report incorrect when calculating balance including construction cost
  • [ACEO-42605] - Medium check-in desk is not unlocked with baggage unlocking R&D project
  • [ACEO-42639] - Bags can in extremely rare instances be assigned incorrect status on transition causing them to fly across world
  • [ACEO-42680] - Persons can in extremely rare build configurations adjust prematurely to certain desks causing them to become offset when deboaring airside shuttle buses
  • [ACEO-42682] - Animals can in certain build configurations pass through fences on a diagonal path
  • [ACEO-42683] - Main menu flip row sound slightly too loud
  • [ACEO-42699] - Closed baggage bay does not spawn world notification immediately on load causing baggage operation to stop

FYI I get this too - the first attempt at building a security queue fails. After an abort, the next attempt works.

tried it with the new version and still happens:
this happens when I want to build the queue the first time.

When I exit it with ESC and try it immediately again it works just fine:

PS: I know, the timestamps are other way round… steam did not save the first screenshot at first try :sweat_smile:

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If it hasn’t been mentioned in the change log then it hasn’t yet been fixed, but it has highest priority for tomorrow and 1.0-10 which we’ll be targeting for the default branch.


Thanks. I’ve had time away from ACEO whilst replacing laptop (since just before 1.0). Will remember this in future if it is a matter of airline class. Is this the primary factor @Olof ? Or do we have to match retailer star rating to airline star rating for example, or do higher rate airline passengers spend more across all shops? It all seems a bit confusing unless I’ve missed something. Thanks :slight_smile:

yeah I know.
just wanted to test it. Maybe some bugs disappear as quietly as they come :sweat_smile: :wink:

but thanks for looking into it. As I said its not that bad because it works with second try

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It’s almost always the other way around unfortunately, just like with that queue bug… :laughing: :cry:


You have bugs waiting in a queue?


loos like the yellow caution lines are layered too high above the gates and queue stanchions for the passport controls (both)

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Question @devs:
Has the airport/pax/cargo size in the database an influence on the flight generation and for the different aircraft sizes?

Temples not uploading to stem???

Also they are not taking correct images of the area you template…

this is what it took but I did a whole bathroom

what it took:

Yes it should, why?

Rolling out a little end-of-the-weekend update for the experimental branch, 1.0-10, destined for the default branch late tomorrow.

    Release notes - Airport CEO - Version  1.0-10


  • [ACEO-42574] - Price of jewelery heavily inflated
  • [ACEO-42596] - First queue point can in certain instances not be built until second attempt for specific desks
  • [ACEO-42708] - Switching desk access person type whilst persons are interacting with desk does not always cancel their interaction
  • [ACEO-42709] - Pusback truck outside of airport service road area can be assigned a job task causing a behavioral deadlock
  • [ACEO-42760] - Localized date string can clip out of view
  • [ACEO-42798] - Certain e-mails can in rare instance lack subject line
  • [ACEO-42831] - Pushback truck can park on top of stair truck for some specific aircraft types
  • [ACEO-42837] - Franchise rent too high as it can be misused as passive income
  • [ACEO-42838] - Ramp agent job task can in certain instances get created twice causing double the amount of ramp agents on an active stand


  • [ACEO-42666] - Departing passengers in secure zone shopping need deterioration rate balanced
  • [ACEO-42836] - GA parking cost increased to make GA airfield aspect more profitable

That is a lot of long-outstanding bugs listed, very nice to see them fixed!


I was wondering how I was making 2m profit a day, of which 1.4-1.6m came from retail, guess I know now lol


It all makes sense now why the random flight generation isn’t always that random and often prefers the same destinations, no matter where your map is located. :slight_smile:

Airport CEO 1.0-10 has now been deployed on the default branch! :slight_smile:


Well yes, if you place your airport in Europe it’s likely that you will get most flights from prevalent European airports. But that would be expected, right?

It would be nice if this would be somehow configurable (.e.g. put the values for the shops in a JSON file). Some like the large amount of money from the shops, even if not realistic.

You can make your own native mod where you can play with own product prices.