[ACEO-39211] Text labels missing Mac Apple M1 chip?

Uhm, I am not sure but we appear to somehow have solved the issue. Can anyone else than me with an M1 machine test the latest experimental version? Remember to remove the force GL option if you were running it with that.


Will have my new one later tonight.


Hey! I have a new M1 Macbook Pro and I just tested it with the force GL option removed and all the text is there that I can see. Everything seems to be in working order. Here is a screenshot.


That’s great! We did a bunch of shader changes and some extensive testing so I guess that effort must have counted for something. We’ll keep this topic open if any additional issues should arise! :slight_smile:

We’ve seen some new reports sent us to in bug form that some texts are still not displaying, however we cannot confirm this on our end. Is anyone here still experiencing issues?

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Brand new install on my m1 air. Experimental and stable are both missing text. Not using the force option. Will try that next.


And the -force-glcore seems to do the trick.

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Absolutely amazing. My 2018 MBP with 16GB Ram would start the fans heavy during the loading screens. This M1 Air barely gets warm without the fans.


Yeah, it’s a big difference! :smiley:

Anyway, we’ll be fixing this issue once and for all with 1.0-4 deploying tomorrow on the default branch early afternoon CET.


This problem seems to be happening again on the new M1 Pro chip, although it works with the -force-glcore option.

Are you on the latest version? It should be fixed.

Hi i have the same problem on the M1 Max MacBook Pro Version 1.0-33 Updated in Steam . (Resolved using -force-glcore)

Yep, version 1.0-33:

Can you file a new bug report and let me know the number here? We need to grab the exact label of your device’s CPU so that we can make the necessary adjustments.

Done - MERCURY-45315


Thanks, we’re looking into it! :slight_smile:

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Hey Olof,

I experienced the bug as well. The bug appeared after I saved my first game and reloaded later.
Any chance to get a fix soon?


There is a fix on the current Experimental version. You can try that.
Go to the Steam game properties and select Experimental



thank you @andyc ! That works like a charm - at least after loading :slight_smile:


This bug fix will be deployed on the default branch in a not too distant future, we’re working on some fixes for the current experimental version and once that’s been stabilized.

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