Where to Start?

Hello guys :slight_smile:

In this weekend I want to return back to AirportCEO. I want to add as many realism mods as possible into the game. Especially airlines and flight routes. What mods in order shall I start to setup?

This topic would also be a good tutorial for new players on where to start setupping mods.


Code Based Modding representative here: well I’d you want all the best new things you’ll want to install the mod loader and respective mods. Tweaks is obviously the one that adds to realism the most, but bugs are… yeah… . Otherwise most code based mods aren’t bad to install and are just nice. You can find stuff in the Code Based Mods steam category (the mod loader requires an external part, and then just subscribe to install the rest). Further, mods have pages here too. Enjoy :grin:

For direct installation, start going through steam it’s the most self explanatory. Just go to the category, find the mod loader item, and then if you are on windows watch the video and follow it’s (and the install instructions) instructions.


Yep I setup them and they are working like charm. What about airlines and liveries? Do I have to subscribe all airlines 1 by 1? Do they work with AirportCEO Tweaks mod?

Well all airlines you want. With a normal system I’d say max 25 airline mods, with performance ceo add 25 and with a higher end system (pc) add another 25. All new mods work with tweaks, they’ll say so in the description. Tweaks and the aircraft pack will add new aircraft but it’s expensive vram/ram wise. With performance ceo airline mods should be light performance wise, otherwise those too eat up resources.

If you are using steam, subscribe and manage mods on the workshop

Welcome back!
Yes, avoid all the mod packs, they are to old and not updated… The mods 1 by 1 frome ACEO Modding Group and Rubbles Mods are all working and updates are done all the time…
In the steam logo and in description there is noted if it is tweaks recommended or required (for example cargo airlines)

Check the real airlines excel sheet found here:

You can filter by many options to find mods you want

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