Passengers get stuck in front of sofas

Having an issue where passengers get stuck in front of the sofas in the lobby. It is only these passengers that are stuck, the others move around them freely. some are stuck in the bathroom and at the bus stop also. I have tried saving and restarting. I can’t seem to figure this out. It seems like it started right after I installed the baggage system. There were no issues prior to that.

When you unoccupy passenger nodes via F10 menu does it work or a couple of seconds later they stuck again?

They do not become unstuck at all.

Something that I’ve also noticed is I can no longer select my employees or the passengers. Nothing happens when you click on them.

Actually, I just realized that I can no longer select anything. (People, ramps, desks, all things normally selectable)

I will try restarting and see if that fixes this new problem.

Try zooming in. I find that when I zoom in, all my passengers sit down. Until you get in close enough, they seem to just stand in from of the seat.

Once you zoom in, you should find all your passengers reposition to occupy the seats that they are standing in front of.

I have also had a couple of issues with the clicking not working. It seems to occasionally happen after I open the build menu. I’m not sure why…

Okay, so when I saved and restarted, I could select things again. That is, until I click on one of the frozen passengers. Then, nothing in the game can be selected anymore.

Picture of frozen passenger: (all needs shown at 0%)

Once I click on one of these guys, I can no longer select anything in the game. The menus still work, I can still build things, but I can’t select ramps or runways or desks.

I also noticed that passengers have also entered my staff area and are stuck in front of the sofas there as well.

The bug you descibe has been reported before and I have it a lot together with this bug; what seems to happen in your toilet too.

Yea, seems like an issue with the new pathfinding update. Doesn’t seem to be fixable until they make another update to the stable version.

Btw, the people in staff room reminds me of people entering closed toilet rooms, also very weird.

Yeah, I’m sure devs will figure it out soon. I was hoping to play this game some more, but it’s just too buggy right now. I really like where this game could go. Hope the get the bugs figured out soon excited to get a bit further into this game.

Very strange, can you file a bug report and include the save? Would really like to look at it.

I have the same problem. I do not have any baggage-bay yet, and that started early in the game. two are in the toilet for the third year, three are on the way for three years and if new ones came to that I did not control now. also with f10 and all passengers send home button has changed nothing. they stand.
and just like you, I can not click on anything anymore and have to reload the game first.

Bug; (ACEO-2536) - People refusing to sit and they stand around near secure exits. See also red personal issues. (image cropped by forums, click for exit)

Have it again in my baggage pickup area. Save ready if you need bug report.

Yes, please send in a bug report and include the save! :slight_smile:

(ACEO-2539) Done

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My baggage bay keeps collecting people that are not leaving or picking up their baggage. The people stuck near the small stand were suddenly gone after I was in game for a few hours, no idea when they started moving again.

Atm I closed my aiport, pushed GO HOME button in F10, tried to unstuck them. Nothing helps.

Bug: (ACEO-2556)