There we go again, mass of people refusing to use the toilet ;).
I actually had a similar issue and wasn’t sure if I’m doing something wrong
Did you speed it up? Pathfinding queuing up? You can find that by pressing F10.
Did you try unoccupie all persons nodes?
Btw,your doors are strangely rotated.
Hahaha, I did not know you could rotate doors, omg, it does not make a difference.
And, yes, person node reset does not help.
I am on the stable branch, think I dont have a pathfinding queue yet, do I?
And sometimes I speed up the game, but not when people start arriving in the morning, then your FPS will be killed on speed up.
I presume it’s all zoned correctly? Haven’t forgot to make the individual stalls part of the secure/insecure zone have you?
Just checking…
No, it worked all fine, have had it before, the moment your airport goes above the 2000 PAX on airport it now and then occurs.
You have successfully created the issue (ACEO-2460)
Supplement BUG:ACEO-2450
While I have the toilet bug now and then; now I have something that is related.
I had a closed toilet room. In a terminal. I deleted the toilets and the terminal AFTER closing the toilet room. Now the people stand around and I cant get them to move. Not with a node reset, not with a reload.
Edit; fired up this save in Experimental build and still cant get them to move from the F10 panel.
Edit 2; Found out why they could not move; they were enclosed by Secure Zones and could not exit their location without crossing into a Secure Zone. So, when I added secure zone under them, they started to move
Log in with Atlassian account < fix in the pipeline