Don’t take this as a complaint against the devs.
I’ve worked in airport maintenance including major upgrade projects, granted only at a regional airport size, so I understand the complexities of an airport, let alone simulating individual aircraft, baggage and humans.
As seen by the screenshot, editing manually isn’t support and has issues.
An unlock setting, either tucked away in the settings (along with a performance warning and even a “support not available” warning) or even as a hidden setting that must be unlocked via editing the game settings file.
To be honest, editing a save game file to get more real estate without having to buy another block of land feels like cheating to me.
Progressively over time, the communities average computing power will increase (because who is still using a 486 as a main computer these days) and demand for larger maps will increase.
Actually, I’ve just had a thought. Can you release an “experimental” branch where the only difference from stable / experimental is “super large” maps are an available option? Even if you just make it a 3x4 or 3x3 grid.
I know I’m sounding a little pushy, but there have been so many “issues” with the game, such as single runway direction, that you are overtime overcoming and the game continues to grow.
I know there are limits as to what you can do, what will benefit the most and other priorities.
But allowing larger maps would also give us room to include potential new features, such as a maintenance yard (with vehicles that enter stands and runways to do repairs, maintenance and even deal with some emergencies), helicopters and helipads etc.
While not admitting to computer piracy in any way, the simple fact that I choose to pay for this game in order to support it and the devs is my way of saying that you have made a good game with great potential.
Actually, that’s another idea.
Can you implement it as a DLC, that has it’s own higher system requirements?
Just throwing up options, because I’d gladly buy that DLC.