[Mod] AirportCEOTweaks 2.4.0: Mod Loader Support!

That was exactly when it happened as all my internal BA flights in the UK dried up completely after that and even my small planes only offered occasional internal flights to places like the Scottish islands (my airport was around London)

I am realy curious. Bin echt gespannt was du berichtest.

Maybe that helps at some cases with autoplanner

Did. you get a chance to play this weekend?
How did the plane allocation go? Neue Erkenntnisse?

Hi everyone,

I have a question. Is it possible to increase the maximum number of flights I can operate per airline with autoplaner? For example, I’m currently operating the maximum of 50 flights with Iberia.


There is a complex system around this, but the more and larger radar buildings or ATC towers you have, the more flights you can have.

Details are in this post [Mod] AirportCEOTweaks 2.4.0: Mod Loader Support! - #93 by zekew11

For the Domestic issue at the moment i suggest you to shut it down in the settings:
Press F1 to get the Mod Loader Menu → tweaks → disable Airline National System

I have a few problems with the auto planner. At first not all flights that are offered are being scheduled and when more flights are being scheduled they disappear in the flight planner the next day.

I’m still running an airport with small aircraft using the generic companies. I already disabled the nationality system through the F1 menu.

Having the same issue.

Even started a new airport based in Bristol with the Airline Nationality System disabled from the start and 90% of all flight offers for 2 weeks now have been international, flight contracts aren’t renewing when they expire and the autoplanner is having a hard time assigning any flights that aren’t international.

International flights the autoplanner seems to do an okay job with assigning albeit not in the more efficient way possible, it’ll still at least fill up 80% of the possible flights it could. But it leaves my domestic stands pretty much unassigned even though there are a half dozen flight offers that are domestic.

So whatever the problem is, it doesn’t seem to be related to the Airline National System, it seems to be deeper in the root classification of flights or something that’s causing multiple things to behave like they shouldn’t?

Also I’m not sure if it’s related or not so I’ll mention it as well just in case, the moment I enabled the CEOTweaks I noticed the number of flight contracts offered by each company more than tripled, where I’d normally have 4-5 flight offers at any one time when just dealing with small planes.
With the mod in action there’s now close to 20 pretty frequently, again almost all international, where as without the mod I’d not see a single international flight at all.

With all of this happening regardless to if Nationality System is enabled or disabled.

Just a note: I have seen these and have noted them down, but there’s really not much I can do here. I really don’t know how the majority of tweaks works so I am handicapped while working on it. I’m also trying to work on a couple more rewarding projects right now.

That’s fair enough, I was kind of under the impression the mod was worked on by multiple people based on some of the replies on the Steam workshop page worded as “We are working on fixing this”, suggesting multiple people were actively working on the problem.

But if it’s just you that’s handling maintaining the mod now and you’re not fully familiar with the changes others that previously maintained the mod have done, then I understand the situation better now.

If the mod gets fixed anytime soon, it gets fixed. If not, then that’s just how it is. :))

My main initial concern was the recommendation from Dawed to disable the Airline Nationality System as a workaround for some of the problems present atm as disabling that system actually circumvents none of the recurringly mentioned problems people have been mentioning so was a bit worried there may be the impression that the airline and contract problems already had a work around solution for now when there isn’t actually a user workaround, but I guess that recommendation must be about another issue.

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This mod was really developed by @zekew11. He has been pretty much inactive for a while now, but he is starting to come back to modding now. I have done minor work on it, and have dabbled around with some bigger stuff privately. @dawed is the person who develops the majority of the Aircraft Pack, which goes along with Tweaks.
Zeke is really the only one who can really fix this stuff cause I frankly don’t want to fully learn this project. Dawed doesn’t do coding, but does provide support and the previously mentioned aircraft. He was referencing that I’ve been trying to take a look at it, and I am, but its just hard and Im working on other things atm.
I did some work to make it work with the Mod Loader recently, but nothing other than touching what didn’t compile.

Bugs-wise, they are complicated and very hard to reproduce (some of them), and even harder to fix. Some only appear for some people in some places, and the scale and the fact that Tweaks does so many different things is also an issue. For some cases those settings weren’t update to do everything they said they’d do so they don’t work, so they only help in some cases.


As with the easyness of the new mod loader, may it makes sense to split the Tweaks content in smaller segments? Allowing testing and debugging smaller parts and not the entire collection.


The next thing I release will be a standalone additional aircraft only mod, possibly alongside a standalone “tweaks core” that will be required as I spin off other parts of tweaks into standalone packages. I’m excited about this direction from a maintainability perspective.


Tweaks core and then additional optional support mods sounds like a good approach to take, looking forward to it.

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So I found out last night the weird inconsistent behaviour being reported by different people regarding the vast majority of their flights being flagged as international whilst others not running into the problem.

It’s a problem that comes from having the “Realistic International Stands” option enabled in the core game in conjunction with this mod and how it adjusts flight destinations.

With vanilla behaviour, basing a airport in the UK has pretty much all small flights being domestic and to destinations within the UK. So having the Realistic International Stands option enabled only starts to have a impact when you move up to medium flights onward and you start handling planes with larger fuel capacity and longer range, and even then it mostly only comes into effect with large flights.

With this mod enabled however, basing a airport in the same part of the UK, almost all small flights are international distance regardless to the size of the plane as the mod is manipulating flight behaviour and having tiny Cessna’s frequently wanting to load up passengers in say Bristol and fly them off to Germany and other similar locations.

With ‘Realistic International Stands’ options disabled, this adjustment by this mod to flight destination behaviour doesn’t really matter to small flights for the player because small stands are forced to always be domestic and have no capacity to support international flights.

Therefore even though a flight is departing my airport in the UK and then flying somewhere like Germany (Something the vanilla game would never really do for a small flight), the stand only being able to support domestic flights causes the game alongside this mod to do weird rule breaking things and just flag the international small flights as domestic because by the games logic, it should be impossible for a small stand to ever host a international flight so it just falls back to treating everything as domestic regardless to destination (And probably breaking a few other things along the way).

However the moment you enable the ‘Realistic International Stands’ option, this allows all types of stands including small stands to support both domestic and international flights.

Because it changes the fundamental rules of the game the problematic flight destination behaviour the mod was causing now no longer causes any logic errors of having international flight destinations attempting to be applied to stands that could never host international flights.

As such all flights now gets properly flagged as being international where as before where they were falling back to being treated as domestic due to the logic contradiction of having international flights being created for stands that can’t ever support international flights.

Be it for this mod, or some future branch off modular mod like @zekew11 mentioned, to avoid this problem in the future all that should be needed to do is more realistically constrain the distance being assigned to smaller plane flights so that the mod behaviour isn’t running into game rule contradicting situations.


@Tikigod Thanks a bunch for that insight. I’ll come back to this when I rework that part of the mod.

I added a column to the spreadsheet on the Current_Implementation ply called longest_real_route_KM. If anyone in the audience wants to fill this in for a for a few aircraft it will help me revise the formula I use to de rate aircraft’s theoretical range into practical range. I think that I am giving shorter range aircraft too much practical range as it stands now.


I’m noticing that a lot of my flights with small stand aircraft are in that outermost part of the aircraft’s range. I’m having a hard time getting flights in the sub 500km range, which is tough as there are plenty of real-life regional flights that are shorter than this. For instance, I have a Kamloops, BC, Canada based airport with domestic airlines that use B1900s & Saab340s & my flights are mostly all going out to Saskatchewan, Manitoba, & NWT & I’m not getting flight offers to closer destinations like Vancouver, Victoria, Prince George etc.

As far as medium sized aircraft go, I’m not sure of what the minimum flight distance is, but it seems as though it could be a little high. I created an airport in Cartagena, Colombia & managed to get domestic flights with airlines operating ATRs & E175s (Clic & Satena), but could not get any domestic flights for airlines with 737s & A320s (Avianca, LATAM Colombia, Wingo).

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That’s consistent with my current understanding of what needs to change on that system.

Currently I’m working to split tweaks into a core mod and sub mods, with the new-aircraft sub mod as the first priority, so it will be a little bit before I overhaul this system.


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