[Mod] AirportCEOTweaks 2.4.0: Mod Loader Support!

Today, A300 Family got released
while doing this, i open up a new topic for specified aircraftpack informations, instructions, issues and updates

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Is it possible to add some localization support?

I have encountered an issue where I’m only getting international flights even when my airport cant support international flights yet. I’m not sure if its an issue with the way the airline mods are configured by their nationality but I have multiple Canadian airlines with my airport being based in Canada and all the flights are to the states. Even small planes are flying from central Canada all the way to Florida instead of taking a small domestic flight like they should. I also have no international stands or area in my airport so don’t understand why this is happening.

Are you using the realistic international gameplay setting?

yes so I don’t understand why I am getting international flights if my airport doesn’t even have an international stand. And the balancing is also way off I get 1 domestic flight for every 10 international flights.

I’m having the same issue; most of my airports barely get any domestic flights, even if I only have domestic stands.

Even my small aircraft will fly wayyyyy too far all the way across the county into another country for an international flight instead of just having a domestic flight. Like I’m having small aircraft fly from northern Alberta all the way to Florida or California instead of just taking a small domestic flight which realistically they would do as irl there’s no way a small aircraft is flying from north western Canada to the south eastern states without stopping to refuel.

I started a new airport in Europe and it works fine and the airlines give domestic flights depending on nationality so it seems like its just an issue for Canada and Canadian airlines having an American nationality instead of Canadian. However the auto planner does not work whatsoever even with force vanilla turn around.

Which mods do you use? Are they from dawed, TwoC, me … or from other modders? Very old ones may miss country tags.

Technically it’s even possible to set contracts to domestic only. In worst case we have to try that.

Has anyone found a solution for the dissappearing flight from the schedule issue?

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Nope, and it’s finals season so I don’t have any time


I’m using a variety of mods from different people but mostly from dawned. I made sure that they are newer mods that have been updated to support tweaks so I’m guessing its something wrong with Canada as the issue seems to only be created when using Canadian airlines. Its almost like the country tags for the Canadian airlines are set to the US and not Canada.

Hello quick question. Is there anywhere that we can see the ranges for a particular aircraft type? I ask because I’m planning out an airport in a new area & want to see if I should include a few small stands (i.e. can any of my airlines with small planes reach this new airport?).


This is the spreadsheet that we work from when adding or modifying aircraft. It is a bit of a mess, but you should be able to find what you need.

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This is helpful. Thank you.

I am using Tweaks; does that mean the ranges from the Reimplementation tab are being used, or is that something planned for the future?

All ranges are changed, also on Vanilla aircraft… So this is allready implemented… As well aircraft size adjustment and fuel (based on real full)

I was wondering, could anyone tell me what the permissive flightplanning button is supposed to do?

I turned it on, but i haven’t noticed any difference in flight allocation whether the button is on or off.

with this setting on, you can plan flights directly when starting airport…
so you can immediatly put a flight to the current time mark…

Thanx! my wishful thinking had obviously led to me interpreting the point of the button wrong.

Much like janzar,

I have been encountering some flight allocation issues. That is, there used to be a time when you could get country specific flights with Austrian and Swiss to Munich airport (distance ca. 300KM). I found an old save with such an example:

I think it was the “AirportCEOTweaks_v2.3.5.322”.
According to my observation (the numbers are an appoximation, i did not perform a real study) the way the flight allocator works now would be more in the line of:
distance up to 1000-1500km - serviced by small airplanes.
1000-2500km q400, crj
2500km - 50000/6000KM A320 Family, B737 - which is why in airports located in middle Europe you only get domestic destinations (with Schengen rules) on the outskirts of Europe and 75% of offered flights are international, as well as explain why brussels airlines, Luxemburg, air france, lot, klm… did not offer a single flight after an ingame weak of playing.

this might also explain the following issue

In reality Austrian flies with an E195 from Graz and Vienna to Munich, i have flown with Lufthansa A321 from Berlin to Frankfurt and A320 from Frankfurt to Brussels and to Skopje, A320 from Berlin to Zurich and from Zurich to Vienna. These are all destinations under 1500km as the crow flies, and would currently not be offered in the game…
I personally find the restrictions a bit frustrating and It would give me great pleasure if i could recreate these routes in the airports i play in airport CEO.
I realize that there will not be a one-size-fits-all solution, but for bigger countries the allocation algorithm in the “AirportCEOTweaks_v2.3.5.322” was much more satisfying ;).
Which leads me to the idea that one could have a toggle-button which would allow the player to chose if they want to play with a more restrictive or loose allocation algorithm. I am not an IT guy , so i have no idea how difficult this would be to implement… just an idea

p.s. on the other side the current algorithm is much better at allocating long distance flights… so you know…

Last time I played a few months ago I had very similar issues but only with certain airlines. Others worked.
I got for example domestic flights from GVA to ZRH, even with large aircrafts. Lufthansa worked while Eurowings never offered anything. Luxair came, KLM didn’t.

I try to run a test with the current version on the weekend.

The change made before in the Tweaks was to give smaller airports in the game database a higher chance to get chosen as destination. We had mods like Air Greenland with A330n, but Greenland’s airports were not attractive enough to get medium or large planes assigned in the game.
It might be since then.

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