How much will the game cost on release?

I know that all questions like thia one has been closed in the past but because of the recent devlog, I think its a treat the devs could give to us.

A couple days ago I started to sell things in my virtual backpacks and also return a game I had newly bought, waiting for the august release(within 8-9 days). Now that its postponed for an undisclosed amount of time, wouldn’t it be a good idea to give a estimated price for the game? I mean, it would have been disclosed in 3 days anyways.

//Dreamplay(Lukas :sweden:)

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I have seen it, i just dont know what “resonable price” means exactly. Is it 5, 10 20 or 50 €? All are resonable prices but they are very far from each other. I dont want to expect or guess because either i have to add more money or I dont.


Reasonably it’ll be around £20 €22 as they need to undercut simairport to stay competitive. At least £20 seems to me as a reasonable price.

This is just guesses. I know many who wouls think that 15 € is too much. Devs? @Fredrik @Olof

15 € is a good course, I think.

They planned like 15-17€ I remember.
I can imagine a kick-off
EA price of 14.99€
then 19.99€ as “discount before release”
24.99€ as the final price for a tycoon game with the anticipated range of features will be fair.

But we will see. With 20€ you should be fine for sure.

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Let’s hope it’s 20€ otherwise i’ll have to buy 2 20€ steam gift cards :smiley:

I vote 15-20$ USD

Just put aside €20, they said it was not going to cost more than €20 some time ago… :wink:

They’ve been a bit shy to say a price. I’d bet on 14.99-24.99. That’s the usual EA prices on Steam

Well the only things they have said is under 20, so your range is off, and they said a discount would occur at release as well.

they also said game would be released at end of Q1, things change in the industry

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They can charge more then airport ceo and still be more competive, but i feel like they wont. I fell liek itll come out between 15 and 20 usd, or u believe about 12-17? Euros???

I guess you mean that they can charge more than SimAirport? Sure, but honestly i think they’ll get more money total if they sell it for less. Plus they would earn more reputation as game developers.

AFAIK, Steam converts USD to EUR on a 1:1 basis, so it’s still 15 to 20 Euros.

That being said, I HOPE that they didn’t pull a high-range price similar to AAA games (somewhere along 40 to 60 EUR/USD)

They said in a devlog that they would price it somewhere near the price of an indie game. And really, i never knew that on steam USD and EUR are the same rate. By my guess, it will definitely not be more than $30 (the price of cities skylines)

I sent a message to them and asked about the price and they answered 20€ or less.

The devs have stated multiple times it would be less than 20.