Dev Blog 143: Back in business with Alpha 34 on the experimental branch

With A35 being all about items in the terminal, I think there should be a time and place for every item. A lot of games have a linear progression where each unlocked item replaces the previous item, as is the case with the new ATC Tower buildings. Each new tower is a better version of the previous tower, so why would I ever have anything but the latest tower?

With the new items for A35 I think it would be nice if each item offered a “unique” benefit, something to create a divers airport where all items are actually used. The security checkpoint could be a good example:

  • The small checkpoint is the cheapest. (most PAX checked per money spend)
  • The basic checkpoint is the fastest in basic checks. (most PAX checked per minute if the PAX has no baggage)
  • The extensive checkpoint is the fastest in extensive checks. (most PAX checked per minute if the PAX has baggage)
  • The advanced checkpoint is the safest. (lowest chance of something going wrong, could increase security rating (requirement for some destinations?))

In a map I could find a place for each type of checkpoint and it would prevent making one item a simple upgrade from the previous item.