Dev Blog 136: Continued development on Alpha 33 (the big bird update) and helping out translate Airport CEO

Any chance of maybe a sneak peek at one of these new aircraft? :sunglasses::sunglasses: cant wait lol

There was one in this dev blog! :smiley:

@EG0611, not sure what you mean? Public parking lot is scheduled for Alpha 33.


he means two parking lots - one is parking garage - muilt story car park
other one is parking lot - ground one i think

@EG0611, not sure what you mean? Public parking lot is scheduled for Alpha 33.

That trello card was moved to “archive” so I though it was cancelled.

Nah, we use the old card instead (ACEO-9364). Not synced due to connection reset.


Are we seeing a dev blog today?

No, next dev blog is next Monday! :slight_smile:


Isn’t there a surprise today to mark the anniversary?

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Doesn’t seem to be any secret ticket on the Trello board :thinking: :cry:
Would indeed be nice though! :heart_eyes_cat:

It was in the dev blog 136 towards the end that something would be released

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Maybe the big bird update ?!? :heart_eyes:

Maybe the big bird update ?!? :heart_eyes:

That needs to be tested first, so I would not count on that. But maybe something other special, devs announced it indeed:

on the 27th of September, Airport CEO will celebrate two years in early access! We have a few surprises in store for you, so make sure to watch the ACEO space when the anniversary closes in.

Let’s sit back, relax and see what we can unpack :gift: :gift_heart: :smiley_cat:

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Maybe on experimental branch, on trello it is already quite a long time on “internally tested”… We´ll see :grinning:

Yes indeed ! :gift: :gift_heart:

Maybe on experimental branch, on Trello it is already quite a long time on “internally tested”…

‘Internally tested’ in this case means dev-internal, so that’s before the internal and experimental branch. Release schedule is mostly:
Dev-internal branch
Internal branch
Experimental branch
Default branch

so far new players have a 30% discount

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Yeah, so we’re not going to release any major update yet as we are still working on content additions. We will detail a lot in this Monday’s dev blog, however tomorrow on the actual anniversary we’ll make sure to reveal some screens with you…

And yes, the game is currently 30% off as a celebration! :slight_smile:


Any news on this?

ya were is the picture and stuff for the anniversary?

Here a leak of a big bird landing !


I’ll share another one landing too… final approach…