Custom user placeable logotypes? (Yes, Players Can Implement Things Too!)

Soooo, I couldn’t get to sleep yesterday since I wanted to try how to implement this. It’s was very simple implementation using the current logotype system, and I think it’s fair since it’s purely cosmetic, so might ship it like this (i.e. no use of mods, just a folder you manage on your own). Just drop your pngs in this folder:


and they will be available as a logotype besides the airline logotypes (“high” quality)


Be mindful of how many stickers you load into the game: too many and it might have an impact on your performance. A reasonable amount should not be any concern though :smiley:

So this is probably how it will be setup (I don’t think we’ll develop it any further) and I hope you will have fun with it, it’s a very nice-to-have feature :smiley:

Congrats @Jettuh I guess, you’ll have your trains :laughing: :train:


Thank you very much Alex :heart:


Nice and simple solution. :slight_smile:


Wow, amazing work @Alexander !
Feature of the month!


That’s perfect!

One additional wish: Is it possible to add the logos of contracted franchises to the logo menu?

Technically you can copy those franchise logos to this new folder and you will have them too.

Of course that’s possible.
However, I would prefer to only have the logos of those companies available which are present at the airport.
Otherwise, the logo menu would be flooded with logos

Yay!! :heart:
Now we need to get @Hap0vecXD to upload all of his markings to here or somewhere else where we can download them!

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I will take a look at it! Shouldn’t be too hard to implement since it’s pretty much the same system as airlines. :slight_smile:


@Alexander Yesterday I had one small question :smiley:


It is tomorrow™

Definitely tomorrow! :eyes:


Don’t you agree @Alexander they look soooo good :slight_smile: Thank you for your sleepless night.


For the last 8 days I slept for like 5-6 hours each day. :rofl:

I know you maent Alex, but for me it was hard as well. :rofl:


No 4 or 5 in red?

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There’s no need for it; Runway 09,18, 27 and 36 - there’s no 4 or 5.

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Obviously some of us need a tutorial for labelling up their airports… :laughing:

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I had to learn everything about airport signs and markings. :rofl:

And I had to read at least two 100+ pages documents. It was very very long process.

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I am happy to make a tutorial. Maybe I will use that youtube channel called ACEO tutorials and more… :rofl: I haven’t had much time…

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