Custom user placeable logotypes? (Yes, Players Can Implement Things Too!)


This shit is going wilder and wilder…

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Really nice but I wonder why “9L - APCH” has different scaled letters in it. “9” and “L” seems larger than “APCH”

Or wait “APCH” is a one logo? I personally would go and use letter logos for it.

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Its “AP” and “CH”, the problem with it is that taxiways aren’t wide enough to have (up to) 3 logos for runway name, 1 logo for dash and 4 more for APCH.


Yep! :rofl: :rofl:
It stops when you post the official collections with good info and say you are done with it

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heck. don’t stop there. make airport signs for exits, restrooms, security, gates, parking, escalator, elevator, electronic plug-in area, departures, arrivals, baggage claim, etc… lol


Y’all know you can do something as well? :rofl:


Can you make the airlines and I will make the 256x256 logos

Why don’t we all make one part of this? Someone does the logos, one does the airlines, and one does the uploading

Alexander did read the topic, and you did get his attention :wink:
Not sure if he will be able to implement such feature tho :slight_smile:

(i do love it!)

I think further development should wait until Alexander’s response. Who knows what that might bring to us :slight_smile:

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I agree…
But also disagree…
I kinda wish they would say sooner…

Keep hope…

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Unfortunately today’s experimental update, version Beta 7.0-5 (which was released ~30 minutes ago) broke option to place aircraft logos to anything expect sidewalk and inside building (yes, it was ‘bug’, we know).
We hope devs will take look at this concept.


100% agree. I know the bug was a bug, but this was just awesome and a great mod @Alexander.

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@Alexander Is like: ok, I got the point after like 20 posts have his name on them. We are probably filling up his notifications to :rofl:


By the way, these should work again! Also, Alexander said this:

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@Alexander I don’t wanna bother you, but thank you for saving this project :star_struck:

But do you think that would be possible to remove the ability of taxiway nodes to “overrender” the logos? For example my holding position of ILS critical area looks little bit weird. :thinking:


Looks like @Alexander went ahead and implemented your train request anyway @Jettuh



So you guys are implementing those stickers??? If yes, yay!!

If everything will go according to the plan, I might release the whole mod today. :eyes:

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