Hey there, I’m looking to start a new airport with a community-determined challenge that I’ll document in this thread. I don’t care what it is, as long as it is possible and challenging. I’ll start soon, until then give me your ideas for a challenge!
A compact airport with all services and
Each stand in 4 direction positions, 1 gateway for medium and large… 3 runway sizes and a area for taking mod screenshots
something tells me there is more reasoning behind this idea
i’ll take note of it!
Well, i have a setup like this but it may be more compact… And i am interested what others may do with that request
Oh and i forgot, de-icing have to be on all the time
I think this should give you a pretty big hint. Let’s think now, what is like the only thing Dawed does in ACEO…
F12 is the most pressed key on his computer.
Why F12?
F10 and Shift+Win+S
Challenge 50 000 000 pax - Airport CEO / Community content - Apog Labs Forum
I invite you to compete. I’m playing now, my airport is 20 years old, 9 million passengers have been transported.