[CBM] Performance CEO 1.1: Mod Loaded!

Download - Steam (Use if you use Steam)
Download - Github (For non-Steam users)

If this is your first time downloading Code Based Mods, please read the instructions below! Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Important Notes

The development of this mod has been accelerated to get this mod out as soon as possible to fix issues with mods and Tweaks. This means the quality may be a bit below my usual standards, and there may be more bugs experienced. Multiple patches are planned to come very soon to fix bugs, improve compatibility, and implement other improvements.


Performance CEO is a code-based mod that can significantly increase performance in Airport CEO, especially in modded saves. This can be observed in a considerable decrease in RAM and VRAM usage while in-game. This pretty much removes the RAM/VRAM cost of airline mods, a primary limiting factor in the usage of airline mods and Airport CEO Tweaks at the moment.

Download & Installation

This mod is installed using the AirportCEO Mod Loader. Simply follow the installation instructions for installing the Mod Loader here. Installing this mod after simply requires subscribing to it if you use Steam, or dragging it into the plugins folder if not. The installation instructions cover this too.


There will most likely be bugs with the mod. This mod may have more than my other mods since it has had an accelerated development and less testing.

Please report any bugs in this thread! I, similar to all other modders, will try my best to fix any bugs that are present, but I have limited time on this project. So fixes may take a while to come, and they may never come for minor issues.

As with all code-based mods, don’t report bugs to developers while the mod is enabled! Make sure the issue occurs when the mod is disabled before reporting, and report with the mod disabled. Make sure to always state if you are using a mod when you ask for help!

Other Information

Compatible with: - All Mod Loader mods
Incompatible with: - ALL UMF MODS, Negotiable Turnaround Time and Autoplanner settings (This is a different type of code-based mod)

Source Code

GitHub - Humoresque811/PerformanceCEO: Performance improving mod for AirportCEO


… is also not provided at the moment. Sorry!


It is so great! Also with the tweaks aircraft pack, that currently is not affected by decreasing vram sadly, but in development, it will have bigbinpact to the performances and help to avoid memory crashed a lot!
Big big thank you!


everybody go download this right now


Version 1.1.0 Conversion

  • Conversion: Converted mod to use the ACEOML
  • New Feature: Ability to remove main menu aircraft to improve performance
  • New Feature: Various other smaller performance improvements

Roll-out status: :green_square:

This update brings Mod Loader support to Performance CEO! There aren’t any major changes, but there are additional small features. Enjoy

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Excuse me. I’m sorry but [quote=“humoresque, post:1, topic:20936”]
This mod is installed using the AirportCEO Mod Loader. Simply follow the installation instructions for installing the Mod Loader here . Installing this mod after simply requires subscribing to it if you use Steam, or dragging it into the plugins folder if not. The installation instructions cover this too
What do you mean could you give me instructions? It’s not unclear or confusing

Here is a great installation guide

i mean to install performance ceo. i already installed airport ceo mod loader

So subscribe on steam workshop and it’ll be installed.

I’m using GOG Version.

That changes the fact. But daweds instructions are still valid: RTFM


This is the file you need:

Big thanks dude. For the file. I will test if this shit was working haha.

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