So if searched on the forum but i couldn’t find anything satisfying
I read this tread
Olof says in here and I quote: “We’ll probably abstract out supply of construction materials (as we’ve said, its going to take too long time to build the airport otherwise) but simulating supply and demand of store’s commodities would be fun. The issue is not implementing it, but making it run smoothly with the already existing complexities of the operations of the airport.”
Then after this suggestion I haven’t seen any news about this topic.
I started this topic to get more in depth about it whenever the devs are ready to implemented this.
So commodities should be delivered by truck or van to a stockroom on the airport. From there, they go to the shops on trolleys. Many of these shops are on the “secure” area of the airport. Therefore the commodities for these shops need to be checked before they can be moved to the “secure” area(shop itself). I’m not sure how this is done in real, but my guess is that they also will get x-rayed or something similar.
So if someone know more about this or can add information about this process, that would be very helpful understanding it.