Cargo handling, Map size, Seasons, Diverted flights, Security gate, diagonal buildings

So, someone on the Reddit said i could better post it also on the forums so more people would see it, well here it is, just a copy paste, enjoy.

So i just came across this game the other day and i have not had the time to read all the notes etc regarding the planned content but working at an airport myself im really interested in this game. So i have a few questions.

  1. i see GA and PAX flights, but since i work at an airport that handles pax, ga and cargo i was wondering will cargo flights be added also?

  2. regarding map size, how large can we make an airport eventually? Looking at “that other game”, i cannot help but notice how small their maps are, can we make a larger airport in this game? Ok im not asking for something like Denver or what was the largest airport, but im hoping for something to work with…

  3. will you add seasons? Like in the summer more pax flights etc, or a special event for the rich which attracts more GA flights, maybe a disaster somewhere which requires more cargo planes to depart (if cargo is implemented)

  4. Will there be diverted flights? So planes that need to go to an other airport but cannot go there so they request to land at yours, this could prove a challenge for busy airports. But can generate income. (Maybe even new contracts for your airport?)

  5. for example in the video nr2 the new fuel truck was delivered through an automatic gate. And that gate was not manned by a security gate. At the airport where i work all incoming vehicles are checked at the gate thus making sure nothing is smuggled inside. For me that gate unmanned represents a security breach :slight_smile:

  6. is it possible in the game engine for diagonal buildings? I would love to make a y shaped terminal…

That was all for now, cannot wait for part 3 of the videos and for the game to come out

Bonus points for the holdbagage screening options, “that other game” doesnt have that and i dont like that…

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Hey there, welcome to the forums :smiley:


Map size


Diverted flights
Has been discussed as an event, but the devs have not commented on this

The devs have not said anything further about this, but i do believe this is only an initial implementation

Not at the moment no. Only taxiways (perhaps)

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For the mapsize i am now really curious. I haven’t seen the original post that you quoted but this does make the thought that it will be a predetermined map. (At least how i read it)

Personally i hope that the map will be based on a seedgen and that it will be indefinitely expandable (like PA or Factorio). Then you could maybe make a note on the landbuy popup “warning on your pc specs this landbuy could mean lower FPS” and then it’s up to the player to by the land or not

This is what i know (for pre alpha, no guarantees of course):

  • You can pick a region (and afaik later on a specific spot).
  • The map will be generated based on that location.
  • The map will be flat (no mountains or more than 1 z level)
  • The devs will pick an initial map size that runs the game decently on average spec computers
  • You may be able to expand the map buy i.e. buying land (personally i would not put a message about performance in, that would get annoying real fast :slight_smile: )

I wouldn’t mind the message appearing on the first time, just as a precautionary warning, but if it appears constantly, then I would agree that it would become annoying

As somebody working in freight forwarding and who has spend some considerable amount of time at the Hong Kong AAT: I love you! :smiley:
No but seriously, cargo would be an awesome thing to see (sooner or later), especially with a large enough map to put a nice cargo terminal with security checks for the trucks etc. as already proposed in another topic here on the forum.
Maybe just finished ULDs by truck that get loaded right away first and then later a warehouse complex that is a bit more like the baggage system and allows local packing.
Even though that’s more of a parcel sorting thing and not so much “real” cargo, it would be fun to build those - I say now.

In Hong Kong (and also Shanghai, Tokyo, Frankfurt, Cologne, Amsterdam, Luxenbourg, Memphis,Miama and LA, to name a few) cargo plays a vital role for the airport and is responsible for a big chunk of traffic.
Just as a short info in case there is not air freight happening at your airport.

As always, I think time will show and the only thing the Devs don’t really have is time, so patience…a lot of patience :slight_smile:

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cool, thanks for the answers, probably should have used search better?

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