Auto-hire Employees

Feature request title:

Auto-hire Employees


There should be an option to auto-hire employees after hiring one of the board members. Maybe the HR Director or a new board member. The total amount of each type of employee wanted for the airport can be set. A slider could be used to determine the cutoff point for the skill level of employees. For example it would automatically reject any applications below a certain point, and hire the ones that surpass it.

Why it should be implemented:

Hiring employees, especially for bigger airports can take a really long amount of time. Especially since there are only 5 applicants at a time for each job. Most of these applicants also don’t have high skill levels, so most people end up rejecting them and waiting for new better applicants. If there was a board member that dealt with this, it would save a lot of time, and would leave more time for the more fun stuff :grin:.

Duplicated :point_down:

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Let me give you an older one :wink:

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