Are you sure that sounds like foundation of Train Station CEO game by Apoapsis Studios
I’d buy it without any doubt.
I have a question. When i watched the trailer for the release you hear the airport announcement. And I remember before at least. If you zoomed in where there is a lot of people, it will today play a crowd sound. But i remember before it would also randomly play announcements. But as of lately i never hear announcements when i zoom in. Except for the one that plays when boarding starts.
Have i missed something or are those random announcements gone?
I would buy the Trainstation CEO game with in 1 second of the first alpha being put up.
Sounds interesting, yes - and I cannot remember a game like it. Nevertheless, I miss train terminals at our airport. Most big ones have them - but then we might see them already abstracten in the subway entrance. But subterranean trainstations exist underneath several big airports.
The train looks very smooth
Gave the stickers a shot. I probably need to find cleaner source images but the feature works great.
I’m having issues in hiring and then immediately training my staff. There are times when my newly hired staff would not appear on the staff list, especially when I immediately switch from the hiring tab to the staff tab to look for them to train them. Not sure if it’s just on my game.
hey just wondering do have any idea to bring this game to Xbox one Series X PS4 PS5
Games like city sky line have already done this
That’s the new feature and the full mod by @Hap0vecXD is now available: Airport Signs and Markings
Anyone else can now also add own logos he/she wants to place in the airport.
An issue I wanted to report since a looong while
ACEO-41353 - The need to sit on a nicer chair than the normal airport seatings is too high. Every passenger seems to be a little Sheldon Cooper.
The following screenshot shows on the right side two Test-Seating areas with all kind of nicer chairs than the usual airport seating.
There is only a flight scheduled for the medium stands. But passengers for those stand and for flights on stands further to the left know that nicer seats are available on the right side and run straight to them as soon as one spot is free.
That means as soon as one passenger leaves the chair, someone else just passing the security gets a notification and knows, my spot is now free, I will take it!
- Nice chairs directly after security checks are always 100% full too… even when the designated stand for the passenger has a very long distance to walk.
Thank you everyone for your continued reporting over the weekend!
No, unfortunately the game will not be ported to any consoles.
Deploying beta 7.1-1 now as a hotfix update, taking care of the two most common issues for beta 7 since the default release.
This update will go immediately on the default branch.
Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Beta 7.1-1
- [ACEO-41366] - Some ATC related objects can incorrectly report missing connection to related objects due to a new connection manager system lag
- [ACEO-41389] - Passengers not being able to leave airport due to lacking transit structures can be misinterpreted as mass pathfinding issues
Hey @Olof I noticed with the 7.1 push to the default branch that something with the baggage system is buggy. Planes only register outgoing baggage. No planes produce incoming baggage. I.e. Ramp agents are only loading baggage, but not offloading baggage. The flight monitor shows “0” under unloaded baggage for all flights. I’ve tried disabling baggage. Restarting the game, etc. Bug report ACEO-41397
well ok guess my dream airport on an Xbox won’t come true but keep on making this game
should you be able to pay off a loan if you don’t have the money and it puts you in the red? Cuz I just did. Do I need to bug report?
I would like it to be that way, but it is not designed that way.
Btw, we still can repair runways too, while in the red.
Second deployment of the day, rolling out beta 7.1-2 now with the following fixes!
Release notes - Airport CEO - Version Beta 7.1-2
- [ACEO-41356] - Missing clamps for index variables can cause loading issues when deserializing vehicles and setting sprites
- [ACEO-41360] - Business logotypes isn't always fetching the correct business at reload
- [ACEO-41363] - Large weather station unlock text not correctly displayed
- [ACEO-41364] - Conveyor belt system statistics can be fed incorrect metrics
- [ACEO-41372] - Secure area exit not always properly recognized by area manager
- [ACEO-41374] - Vehicles failing to roam multiple times in succession are not teleported to point of guaranteed access
- [ACEO-41377] - Missing localization key in emergency response unity R&D project
- [ACEO-41384] - Airside shuttle buses do not verify if passengers are in correct secure area when waiting during extended boarding process
- [ACEO-41392] - Baggage bay connection check in tutorial can in rare instances fail due to legacy verification method
We’ll most likely continue to keep an eye on the beta 7 bug flow for another day or so before transitioning to beta 8 on the experimental branch, FYI!
Terminal Area Baggage Icon is labeled “Staff Rooms”
as well as the staff icon
Staff Icon
Baggage Icon
Bug reporting not working for me right now and didn’t want to forget to mention it