Airport CEO Beta 3 released

Confirmed, B737-600 are broken.

Atom Air has B737-600 in their fleet. But they spawn with alternative liveries.


get back to work devs! no weekend for you :rofl:

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Its not just them it happens to mods too I reported the mods are broken as I had mods spawn with alternative liveries

Yes correct, but when talking about the default airlines, the devs cannot ignore it and say it’s a fault by the modder. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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its allways sky link that get spawned rigth?

Have a good weekend everyone!!! :heart: :grinning: For me next week is Thanksgiving too!! :grinning:

ACEO-37663 sidewalk tiles don’t immediately build. EDIT - barley anything builds normally now

Not only sidewalk, everything has this behavior now. … Do you also get delivery trucks even when you have instant delivery and build?

ACEO-37668 - Delivery trucks deliver goods even when the simulation is turned off. Delivery boxes disappear immediately after the delivery.


To support bug ACEO-37680:

This is regarding the large weather station info not showing up in the weather menu (not sure if it’s meant to be like this)

Thank you and @Rubble for that amazing plane


Anyone know why these guys are just standing here with their hands in their pockets while there is work to do?

edit: also, the game is stuttering (hangs for 2 seconds every x seconds. could that be related?)

Health and Safety Alert - the stair truck gets in the way of the boarding PAX when it’s not needed. Can it be parked elsewhere on the stand - like in the grid section the other side of the stand where the belt loader usually parks…


Report as bug, I have had contracters stand around too a few times, but over time they sometimes unlock. Also a S/R can fix it sometimes, just bugreport first.

  • Can the runway validation check be disabled in “plan mode” on ramps? it has no function. Same for all service road indicators.
  • Why do you toggle out of “planning mode”, when you select “build planned object mode”?
  • Would it be weird if you want to configure objects in “planning mode”? :wink: [lol, you can edit room settings!]
  • Blueprinting does remove world objects (trees).
  • Blueprinting stands does auto-adjust taxiway, but when you remove the stand, the taxiway is not adjusted back.
  • the stand attached roads are an issue in blueprint design, since your vehicles cannot cross non-build objects.
  • Removing non zoned or adjusted blueprinted terminal, just gave a huge laggspike
  • Should the roof of a terminal block indicate its is in blueprint in any way?
  • I just blueprinted a huge hovering +1 terminal block, without any spike, very nice.*
  • Can we get a summery cost of all blueprinted items somewhere?
  • Can we get a blueprint count somewhere, so you know you un-blueprinted everything?



I just build a halve security station, maybe the engine should force the blocks out of blueprint mode, if an object is dragged over?

  • We can build hovering terminal floors, while the founding pillars are not build, of course that was possible before too, but it now means you can have hovering terminal floors without even building the pillars at all :wink:
  • When terminal blocks are brought out of blueprints, can walls be forced up to?
  • Why is does the push force truck move from small to large?
  • It is possible to build a normal wall, in blueprinted terminal block. ~ 37741 ~ same with other objects
  • It is possible to open a room without the terminal blocks under it active ~ 37742
  • Staff rooms, in the 37742 situation are found by the pathfinder, so I assume this is true for all rooms ~ 37743
  • International merging on stands still an issue, also, PAX can leak into a non build blueprinted wall from the jetway ~ 37745
  • I have a restaurant not getting visits, maybe a merge issue? ~ 37747 ~ S/R fixes it.
  • Can we get a global setting, to never have room/zones enabled when you build an object? z/x’ing a lot, feels like it could be much easier to have a global setting.
  • Why does a to be build wall remove secure zone and a blueprinted one not? Feels inconsistent.
  • When removing a stand from the auto planner, can we then get a question “remove all auto planned flights?”
  • Can we get CRTL click on a vehicle listing in depots?
  • Blueprinted stands show up as assignment destination for vehicles.
  • Still building material blockage ~ 37767

One to add to jasper’s list:

  • Blueprints on Level -1 show through to Level 0 until one does a save/reload…
  • Bluepritns on Level 0 show through to Level +1 ~ 37740 ~ Jasperwillem
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Thanks, reported it: 37746.

btw, save/reload didn’t fix it. I sent them home, rehired, removed and rebuilt. But nothing is happening. They look stuck. Is there anything i can edit in the game files to get them back to work again?

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Just a question; if someone is playing with disasters on high, can you test if you get Subway disasters if you just have them blueprinted :wink: ?

Must be F9 command:
test incident 10

if you want to force that disaster.

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Ah, yes, good point.

right, so I just had a 2-way bug with an emergency, ik the airline is modded, so it could be a mod problem but:

  1. on the emergency itself, it said it was a GA aircraft, even though the call-sign was a void airways (my modded airline) call-sign
  2. when the plane landed, it was not in a VOID AIRWAYS livery, but it was that of stripe air