ACEO-27569 Placing the general security scanner used to show a red arrow indicating the direction of unsafe or rejected bags, and a green arrow of where safe bags are coming from. This seems to be missing now. Here is a better screenshot, couldn’t really get a good one with the bug reporting tool.
Hi @Olof , I have a problem with the Taxiway Path. While it is nowhere connected but there are only three blocks on which there is a taxiway path without a taxiway and that nevertheless tells me that it is impossible to destroy the taxiway occupied. What to do?!
Hi @Olof, Passengers are still stuck at my airport after secuirty and before passport control. ACEO-27579. I reported it a week ago and you deployed a fix. but still it is not working. the old bug report is ACEO-27138. Thanks.
I played this game for 10 (in-game ) years and everything was ok. Now, as you advised, I moved the checkpoint to another place, unfortunately it did not help
Do you also experience passengers going to the wrong terminal? Or not leaving the airport?
@captainpacka22 , To take a screenshot (assuming you’re on Windows):
Take a screenshot with the F12 key. Screenshots can be found at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\46374176\760\remote\673610\screenshots
This is quite a bit easier than your method.
Concerning your issue,did you try a save and reload?
I was experincing that in the past but it was my error. Apparntly you nedd different secuirty for each terminal. if the two terminal are connected by a secure zone in some place even just for staff it will cause issues like you mentioned.
@jeeringsole , In you image, there is a green arrow (right-side) showing where the bags are coming from. Bad bags go to the left (bottom in your image). Safe bags proceed forward (to the left in your image). Been like that forever.
It’s not about how the bag operates, but the fact that the arrows doesn’t show when it used to. I think it’s a valid bug.
So if i understand you correctly The terminals have to be completely divided in all zones. Secure, staff or international zone cannot touch each other at all. There needs to be an un-zoned line between Terminal 1 and 2.
Could someone open my save and check if you also have so many lags (game is freezing)?
I just opened Terminal 2 with 18 medium stands. For start I opened ~10 stands to check if everything works fine. When pax start passing through security and aircraft where on ground everything started to freeze. Now I checked it with 5 stands but it’s still the same. This time it started to freeze when pax wanted to claim their baggage - but I’m not sure if that was the cause. There were 1000pax, it’s quite weird because when I built my last airport in Alpha 33 with Big Birds a had over 10k pax… I would be the most happy if @Olof could check but I will be thankful for all help! There aren’t many paths waited to be calculated so I don’t know what is causing that. I changed to lowest settings.
OMG, that was it. i had staff zone and security zone interlocking T1 and T2 at one lvl. And that made people go to the wrong terminal… THANK YOU SOO MUCH
I’m getting a lot of hitches (8-15 FPS) on Speed 3 with 2,5k pax (all stands filled with flights), but granted I’m opening up my browser and some other apps atm.
That being said, maybe forewarn people that your save has mods.
Glad I can help
OK, I’m pretty sure the mod might affect the gameplay a bit, cause I got rid of them, and managed to get occasional hitch/freeze followed by stable-ish 15-25 FPS on a 3.2k pax count.
That being said, this does sound like optimization is needed on multiple terminals.
Uhm, not sure if that was directly related but it’s a known fact that if you play a lot on the experimental branch with multiple bugs over a long time saves become less and less functional.
Bug report it!
Thank you and sorry, I forgot about telling about mods.
That is a big oof for me! lol The funny part was that I was building an airport in Berlin. What a coincidence.
Hi guys. I used to get realistic international destinations for small and GA planes wich got fixed after i deactivated and reactivated the realistic international destinations.
now i have a Problem wit the propeler jets such as:
The A320/B737 types give me destinations wih in their range but the map seems to be jammed
unfortunatly couldn`t send a bug.