Airport CEO Alpha 23.4 released

ha yeah i had some layering issues with carts as well (some of them showing dark, others light) when driving into the baggage bay (they were fine when they left the depot)

Build Alpha 23.4-2

Passengers seem to not sit in the new armchairs. They are using the new sofas and gate seating.

Anyone else see this at your airport?

It’s known, will be fixed for Monday’s update :slight_smile:

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“[ACEO-2796] - Terminal lagging when building additional terminal structure while already having a large area”

This happens too when you add uge area’s if secure zone to your airport (say 40*200). Should I bug report it? Almost crashes game sometimes.

something weird with Vehicle’s path findings.
in attached image:
green paths are service roads,
all service trucks related to terminals at right side (example labeled as Start),
should go to cargo bay (labeled as Target)
but all vehicles go to left handed red circle, u-turns and goes to cargo by via blue route.
observed lots of time.
this consumes lots of time handling aircrafts at stands, lots of flight delays just because of this

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I noticed it too. It happends soo many times that vehicles just ignore the crossings. They should make a detection if the vehicle is at the crossing of the destination.

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Road pathfinding is really bad IMO. Trucks leave the vehicle depot and can only turn one direction so they often drive quite a ways out of the way before turning around.

I create extra dead end crossings all over the airport into taxiways to have loads of turn-points ;). Just build your roads parallel to taxiways.

@jasperwillem can you show an example in action ?

how do I use the experimental branch or…I have no idea, but my ACEO is still on 23.2-0 how do I get it to 23.4-0?

Right-click on ACEO in your Steam library, Properties, Beta tab


thx so much!

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Like this; dead ends into nowhere creates turn-points for path-finding of vehicles.

Airport CEO_2017-11-30_16-44-21

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I’ve noticed that GA aircraft aren’t waiting for each other when using the same runway. I’ve seen a couple of times that a landing GA “crashes” (drives over) a GA that’s taking off on the same runway. Will try to get a screenshot.

Update 1: so landing a/c wait for each other and departing a/c wait for each other (as expected) but landing don’t wait for deparing and vice versa.

Is that it, I noticed something similar.

Can you please do something about the ordering/sorting of contracts. The contracts keep “jumping around” in the list, it’s very annoying when you click on a contract and JUST before you click, the order is swapped and you click the wrong contract. I don’t even understand why it should be re-ordering itself the whole time…

great! it works. thanks

1 Like < jira listing to solve sorting of contracts. Besides that, pause the game.

What is the type of sorting is made on contracts tab? < nice topic to discuss sorting ;).

Nearly time for the new update today!

Hopefully be out very soon, so i can start updating my airport.
