Airport CEO 1.0-0 released

I am good at making things break :sweat_smile: Check how many staff and vehicles there are.

I think eventually, the flight WILL come, but it seems to be a while…

The GameData.json is the issue
I think it contains still flights which are cancelled. The Mass cancellation and the issues from the past days haven’t removed all entries there.

My old XXL Airport with 250 flights per day has a 8.5MB file

So why is mass cancellation adding to the file size… I’m willing to guess that you had to do mass cancelations with your old XXL airport…

if I run at 2x speed instead of 3x, it works better and I don’t see any flight issues yet… jk I lied, it stopped

The flights were fine in my game until I signed a contract with a new airline.
I saw warnings showing up saying ‘stand occupied by other flight’ on the flight monitor,
but in the flight planner, I found the issued flights were actually scheduled hours later.

I was having the same problem with the huge GameData-File.
I find out that when i close the airport and there are no passengers or aircrafts anymore to find still a mass of GA flights are in the file. After i remove all this flights the file shrinks from about 230MB to 10MB.

Were you having an issue with flights coming after some time on -43? And if you did, did clearing out GA help fix it?

It was a while ago, not with -43. It was actually just because the file was too big for npp to open.
I will test my xtrem airport in the next minutes and will see how it works.

We’ve deployed -43 on the default branch now as, while we are of course aware of the issue mentioned here, -42 is causing far more problems in relation to the performance degradation. Most airports are performing very well with -43 and for the ones that don’t we need more data which is what we’ll get with this version on the default one! I.e.: More updates to follow! :slight_smile:


After testing for a while at the moment i’ve got no problems with wrong flights at the flight planner. But i’m running the game only at normal speed, anything else would cause a mess of passenger missing her flights and flights getting a delay. And 158 airline contracts need a lot of memory. :see_no_evil:

btw. i’m experimental -43

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How did you figure out how to remove all the flights from the file… I’m having trouble finding the start/end of the flight lists in the file

You find them at “generalFlights” and there each flight looks like the marking:

after removing it looks at my side like this:

btw. and all emails, who are not deleted, you can find after “emailData”:

be careful with editing the json-files and make a backup before.

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Good point. Unremoved emails blow up the files. That means also empty the mail trash.

Okay, commercial flights cleared since that’s where all my flights were. Seems to be working better. Updates inbound

It’s definitely better and flights are coming at a more consistent rate, but I still see the “wave” issue where they’re coming at certain times and other times not. It’s definitely more frequent compared to before.

Merury-407090 was just sent with no gates open so I could send it.

Also -43 has not fixed flights being scheduled in the past, replicated in the save sent above.

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We are fairly certain as to why there are waves of planning happening. -43 has proved a lot more stable (from all player’s perspective) so we’ll most likely be back with an experimental version tomorrow for the scheduling issues reported here! :slight_smile:


I think the previous bugged version planned flights way back in the past, that we could not see them in the planner.
There are others on Steam who also have those blown up gamedata.json files.

If you could provide a full schedule cleanup button in F10 with a nice warming, that would be amazing.


We’ve rolled out another “unofficial” test version with a potential flx for old flights being scheduled in the past, -44 on the experimental branch! :slight_smile:

Would be interesting to hear if the same issue repeats itself even after this update.


So its fixed I think BUT, its being weird. Delta 911 is scheduled at 2 different times and I just opened

the stand.

I’m not sure if the wave issue was modified, but it seems maybe better currently? still testing. It’s a little bit better than before, but definetly still an issue. I run a 2x-3x speed.

I’m not sure I understand, did it jump between those two times? Did it happen once or multiple times?

We’re holding off on that until we’ve verified that the flight cache list fix worked! :slight_smile:

So for the first point, Thursday is the current date and it was scheduled for 12:00, and on Friday it was scheduled for 06:00. Thursday was the current day. I’m not sure why there is a time difference. All days after this, it was scheduled at 0600. So maybe it has something to do with 0600 being too close to the current time.

After let the game running for about two hours (most of the time in the background) i don’t have planned flights in the past anymore.
BUT then there was a moment in the night when no flights are landing even when they are scheduled in the flight planner. They all are started to land with about 2 hours delay.

It took about one ingame day to clean up the delay.

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