Great! Deploying this very soon on the default branch then…
Airport CEO 1.0-30 is now live on the default branch!
Here’s the full change log:
Release notes - Airport CEO - Version 1.0-30
MERCURY-44901 Persons can in extremely rare instances not render correctly due to faulty mesh setting
MERCURY-44898 Very large saves can cause certain sound effects to fail playing when invoked
MERCURY-44874 Some sliders can snap back to initial value when released
MERCURY-44866 Text overflow in road settings panel for certain languages can cause performance degradation
MERCURY-44855 Fuel truck can in extremely rare road configuration cases turn around at service road checkpoint
MERCURY-44853 Stair truck option is missing from road node settings panel
MERCURY-44835 "The collector" achievement considers aircraft that are not in a non-modded airline fleet
MERCURY-44824 Year change observers not correctly invoked causing some year dependent features to not execute
MERCURY-44807 Flight frequency can in rare instances be labeled as "once" despite being daily
MERCURY-44736 Fixed a few minor incorrect region settings for cities in the airport database
MERCURY-44658 Lines on passport checkpoint item can be rendered above other objects
MERCURY-44649 Fixed Aircraft Vickers VC10 incorrect rear wing layer setting
MERCURY-44868 Mesh render setting adjusted for reduced overdraw and slightly improved performance
MERCURY-44867 Minimum passenger ratio slightly increased
Somehow every time I managed to create a road layout that triggered this.
I really hope we finally get some of the missing planes this year. Don’t forget that please.
We do not forget…
We’ve discovered an issue with the latest Apple chips, M1 Pro, of similar character as the previous disappearing text labels issue. This will be fixed in the next update, going experimental later today.
It’s Halloween Steam sale meaning a lot of new players and a lot of new user data! Here’s 1.0-31 on the experimental branch in response to that player data:
Release notes - Airport CEO - Version 1.0-31
MERCURY-44926 Some objects displays selected overlay incorrect relative to actual object grid
MERCURY-44925 Multiple selection overlays are de-selected if hovered over
MERCURY-44924 Mesh setting warning spam in log can cause performance degradation
MERCURY-44922 Text elements not rendering on MacBook M1 pro chips
MERCURY-44919 Steam achievement sync invalidates The Collector-achievement on load
MERCURY-44915 Incorrect aircraft references are in very rare instances serialized on hangars causing them to become unavailable
MERCURY-44913 Room overlay doesn't scale properly with non-uniform sizes
MERCURY-44911 Incorrect aspect ratio for image preview in color picker panel
MERCURY-44910 Incident cool-down not working properly causing excessive incident load on higher difficulty setting
MERCURY-44907 Vehicle path finding can in certain cases fail when vehicles enter or exit airport through specific road checkpoint configuration
MERCURY-44890 Parking lot can in rare cases display occupied slots despite no vehicles present
MERCURY-44912 Added selection box for objects to more easily identify them as intractable
Do you have any reports regarding passengers not using walkators? Otherwise I’ll have to make one. Haven’t had time yet.
Have not seen that one today so please report if you can!
Looks like it has something to do with walkators on the second floor. ground floor and first floor work well.
I’m getting a bug with the airport of the year, where it says it is for {0}{{1}}, but doesn’t list the airport name.
Have you sent a bug report ingame?
No, didn’t know it was back up again, since I haven’t encountered bugs often.
Yes, it works again. If you have the mail, you can still do it.
I can’t access the elevator menu after the update v31. Do you have that too?
I can confirm that.
Made a report:
Mercury-44947 - elevator menu does not work
and also:
Mercury-44948 - the new blue border to highlight objects with options does only appear on ground floor objects
Mercury-44949 - stairs provide custom settings, escalators don’t
If you are in F4/no GUI mode and you accidentaly click on some items, you may get a broken window of a non existing object and you cannot get rid of it.
It’s not possible to select anything else then until you reload the savegame.
Seems that shopping has gone worse and people don’t shop at 3, 4 or 5 start shops enough to make them sustainable. Arriving passengers barely ever use shop facilities.
Departing passengers should be able to check in earlier rather than wait outside the metro and other stops until check in opens. Rather have them inside the security and spend time and money at the shops and restaurants.
Restaurants and cafes are well visited, so maybe up the shop usage to same level?
Thank you for the reported bugs on -31, we’ll have a look at them next week!
Nothing relating to shops has changed in the past few months so its more likely an issue with a very specific terminal configuration. Would suggest you bug report it so we can have a look.
44960 for your reference. Shop issue, 3,4 and 5 star shops get too few customers. Also same save has the issue where vehicles constantly forget their parking lot assignments.
Edit: @Olof did you have a chance to check this out?